
I will try to write in code all the algorithms exists, from simple merge algorithms to hard algorithms from Graph Theory.

Primary LanguageC#


  • More will be added soon.

Merge Sort

  • A recursive approach to sort an array, complexity is always O(nlog(n)).
  • Splitting the problem always to smaller problem and solving it at the end.
  • When building the array back we take the current two arrays we broke at recursion, we iterate on them together and we insert the values in such a way that if the smaller value from the arrays will be inserted in the returned array.

Quick Sort

  • Can be done in-place ( using swaps ), doesn't require an additional buffer.
  • Select a random item p from the items we want to sort, and split the remaining n-1 items to two groups, those that are above p and below p. Now sort each group in itself. This leaves p in its exact place in the sorted array.
  • Partitioning the remaining n-1 items is linear.
  • If we pick the median element as the pivot in each step, h = log(n); this is the best case of quicksort.
  • If we pick the left- or right-most element as the pivotal element each time (biggest or smallest value), h = n (worst case).
  • On average quicksort will produce good pivots and have nlog(n).
  • If we are most unlucky, and select the extreme values, quicksort becomes selection sort and runs O(n^2).


  • Breadth-first search in an algorithm which finds the shortest path by vertices from start vertice to the end of graph.
  • Time and space complexity will be: Let's say |V| is size of vertices, and |E| is the size of edges, We'll express the complexity with O(|V| + |E|).


  • Starts exploring the graph from the root, but immediately expanding as far as possible.
  • Time and space complexity will be: Let's say |V| is size of vertices, and |E| is the size of edges, We'll express the complexity with O(|V| + |E|).