
Cyral Sidecar AWS Module

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cyral Sidecar AWS module for Terraform


module "cyral_sidecar" {
    source  = "cyralinc/sidecar-aws/cyral"  
    version = "2.7.1" # terraform module version

    sidecar_version = ""
    sidecar_id      = ""

    name_prefix   = ""
    control_plane = ""

    sidecar_ports = [443, 3306, 5432, 27017, 27018, 27019]
    mongodb_port_alloc_range_low  = 27017
    mongodb_port_alloc_range_high = 27019

    vpc_id  = ""
    subnets = [""]

    ssh_inbound_cidr         = [""]
    db_inbound_cidr          = [""]
    healthcheck_inbound_cidr = [""]

    container_registry = ""
    client_id          = ""
    client_secret      = ""


  • name_prefix is filled automatically when you download the Terraform sidecar template from the Cyral control plane. If you wish to define a custom name_prefix, please keep in mind that its length must be at most 24 characters.

Upgrade Notes

Check the upgrade notes section if you are upgrading an existing sidecar.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12
aws >= 3.22.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.22.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.cyral-sidecar-asg resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.cyral-sidecar-lg resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.sidecar_profile resource
aws_iam_policy.init_script_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.sidecar_created_certificate_lambda_execution resource
aws_iam_policy.sidecar_custom_certificate_secrets_manager resource
aws_iam_role.sidecar_created_certificate_lambda_execution resource
aws_iam_role.sidecar_custom_certificate resource
aws_iam_role.sidecar_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.init_script_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.sidecar_created_certificate_lambda_execution resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.sidecar_custom_certificate resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.user_policies resource
aws_lambda_function.sidecar_created_certificate resource
aws_lambda_invocation.sidecar_created_certificate resource
aws_launch_configuration.cyral-sidecar-lc resource
aws_lb.cyral-lb resource
aws_lb_listener.cyral-sidecar-lb-ls resource
aws_lb_target_group.cyral-sidecar-tg resource
aws_route53_record.cyral-sidecar-dns-record resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.cyral-sidecar-secret resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.sidecar_created_certificate resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.sidecar_custom_certificate resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.cyral-sidecar-secret-version resource
aws_security_group.instance resource
aws_ami.amazon_linux_2 data source
aws_arn.cw_lg data source
aws_availability_zones.all data source
aws_iam_policy_document.init_script_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.kms data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sidecar data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sidecar_created_certificate_lambda_assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sidecar_created_certificate_lambda_execution data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sidecar_custom_certificate_assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sidecar_custom_certificate_secrets_manager data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_security_groups Additional security groups to attach to sidecar instances list(string) [] no
ami_id Amazon Linux 2 AMI ID for sidecar EC2 instances. The default behavior is to use the latest version.
In order to define a new image, provide the desired image id.
string "" no
asg_count Set to 1 to enable the ASG, 0 to disable. Only for debugging. number 1 no
asg_desired The desired number of hosts to create in the auto scaling group number 1 no
asg_max The maximum number of hosts to create in the auto scaling group number 2 no
asg_min The minimum number of hosts to create in the auto scaling group number 1 no
associate_public_ip_address Associates a public IP to sidecar EC2 instances bool false no
client_id The client id assigned to the sidecar string n/a yes
client_secret The client secret assigned to the sidecar string n/a yes
cloudwatch_logs_retention Cloudwatch logs retention in days number 14 no
container_registry Address of the container registry where Cyral images are stored string n/a yes
container_registry_key Key provided by Cyral for authenticating on Cyral's container registry string "" no
container_registry_username Username provided by Cyral for authenticating on Cyral's container registry string "" no
control_plane Address of the control plane - .cyral.com string n/a yes
custom_user_data Auxiliary user-data script. Appended to existing user-data sidecar bootstrapping scripts (Approx Input Size = 19KB) string "" no
db_inbound_cidr Allowed CIDR block for database access to the sidecar. Can't be combined with 'db_inbound_security_group'. list(string) n/a yes
db_inbound_security_group Pre-existing security group IDs allowed to connect to db in the EC2 host. Can't be combined with 'db_inbound_cidr'. list(string) [] no
dd_api_key API key to connect to DataDog string "" no
deploy_secrets Create the AWS Secrets Manager resource at secret_location using client_id, client_secret and container_registry_key bool true no
elk_address Address to ship logs to ELK string "" no
elk_password (Optional) Password to use to ship logs to ELK string "" no
elk_username (Optional) Username to use to ship logs to ELK string "" no
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing Enable cross zone load balancing bool true no
external_tls_type TLS mode for the control plane - tls, tls-skip-verify, no-tls string "tls" no
hc_vault_integration_id HashiCorp Vault integration ID string "" no
health_check_grace_period The grace period in seconds before the health check will terminate the instance number 600 no
healthcheck_inbound_cidr Allowed CIDR block for health check requests to the sidecar list(string) n/a yes
healthcheck_port Port used for the healthcheck number 8888 no
iam_policies (Optional) List of IAM policies ARNs that will be attached to the sidecar IAM role list(string) [] no
idp_certificate (Optional) The certificate used to verify SAML assertions from the IdP being used with Snowflake. Enter this value as a one-line string with literal
characters specifying the line breaks.
string "" no
idp_sso_login_url (Optional) The IdP SSO URL for the IdP being used with Snowflake. string "" no
instance_type Amazon EC2 instance type for the sidecar instances string "t3.medium" no
key_name AWS key name string "" no
load_balancer_certificate_arn (Optional) ARN of SSL certificate that will be used for client connections to Snowflake. string "" no
load_balancer_scheme EC2 network load balancer scheme ('internal' or 'internet-facing') string "internal" no
load_balancer_sticky_ports List of ports that will have session stickiness enabled.
This parameter must be a subset of 'sidecar_ports'.
list(number) [] no
load_balancer_subnets Subnets to add load balancer to. If not provided, the load balancer will assume the subnets specified in the subnets parameter. list(string) [] no
load_balancer_tls_ports List of ports that will have TLS terminated at load balancer level
(snowflake support, for example). If assigned, 'load_balancer_certificate_arn'
must also be provided. This parameter must be a subset of 'sidecar_ports'.
list(number) [] no
log_integration Logs destination string "cloudwatch" no
metrics_integration Metrics destination string "" no
mongodb_port_alloc_range_high Final value for MongoDB port allocation range. The consecutive ports in the
range mongodb_port_alloc_range_low:mongodb_port_alloc_range_high will be used
for mongodb cluster monitoring. All the ports in this range must be listed in
number n/a yes
mongodb_port_alloc_range_low Initial value for MongoDB port allocation range. The consecutive ports in the
range mongodb_port_alloc_range_low:mongodb_port_alloc_range_high will be used
for mongodb cluster monitoring. All the ports in this range must be listed in
number n/a yes
mysql_multiplexed_port Port that will be used by the sidecar to multiplex connections to MySQL number 0 no
name_prefix Prefix for names of created resources in AWS. Maximum length is 24 characters. string n/a yes
reduce_security_group_rules_count If set to false, each port in sidecar_ports will be used individually for each CIDR in db_inbound_cidr to create inbound rules in the sidecar security group, resulting in a number of inbound rules that is equal to the number of sidecar_ports * db_inbound_cidr. If set to true, the entire sidecar port range from min(sidecar_ports) to max(sidecar_ports) will be used to configure each inbound rule for each CIDR in db_inbound_cidr for the sidecar security group. Setting it to true can be useful if you need to use multiple sequential sidecar ports and different CIDRs for DB inbound (db_inbound_cidr) since it will significantly reduce the number of inbound rules and avoid hitting AWS quotas. As a side effect, it will open all the ports between min(sidecar_ports) and max(sidecar_ports) in the security group created by this module. bool false no
repositories_supported List of all repositories that will be supported by the sidecar (lower case only) list(string)
secrets_kms_key_id ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt secrets. If not set, secrets will use the default KMS key. string "" no
secrets_location Location in AWS Secrets Manager to store client_id, client_secret and container_registry_key string n/a yes
sidecar_certificate_lambda_version Version of the lambda used to create the sidecar certificate. string "v0.1.0" no
sidecar_custom_certificate_account_id (Optional) AWS Account ID where the custom certificate module will be deployed. string "" no
sidecar_dns_hosted_zone_id (Optional) Route53 hosted zone ID for the corresponding 'sidecar_dns_name' provided string "" no
sidecar_dns_name (Optional) Fully qualified domain name that will be automatically created/updated to reference the sidecar LB string "" no
sidecar_dns_overwrite (Optional) Update an existing DNS name informed in 'sidecar_dns_name' variable bool false no
sidecar_id Sidecar identifier string n/a yes
sidecar_ports List of ports allowed to connect to the sidecar. See also 'load_balancer_tls_ports'. list(number) n/a yes
sidecar_version Version of the sidecar string n/a yes
splunk_host Splunk host string "" no
splunk_index Splunk index string "" no
splunk_port Splunk port number 0 no
splunk_tls Splunk TLS bool false no
splunk_token Splunk token string "" no
ssh_inbound_cidr Allowed CIDR block for SSH access to the sidecar. Can't be combined with 'ssh_inbound_security_group'. list(string) n/a yes
ssh_inbound_security_group Pre-existing security group IDs allowed to ssh into the EC2 host. Can't be combined with 'ssh_inbound_cidr'. list(string) [] no
subnets Subnets to add sidecar to (list of string) list(string) n/a yes
sumologic_host Sumologic host string "" no
sumologic_uri Sumologic uri string "" no
volume_size Size of the sidecar disk number 15 no
vpc_id AWS VPC ID to deploy sidecar to string n/a yes


Name Description
aws_iam_role_arn Sidecar IAM role ARN
aws_security_group_id Sidecar security group id
sidecar_custom_certificate_role_arn IAM role ARN to use in the Sidecar Custom Certificate modules.
sidecar_custom_certificate_secret_arn Secret ARN to use in the Sidecar Custom Certificate modules.
sidecar_dns Sidecar DNS endpoint
sidecar_load_balancer_dns Sidecar load balancer DNS endpoint