The rationale behind this sample and the implementation details are expressed on this blog
If you find anything relevant to make it easier or you need some extra information, don't hesitate to open an PR/issue.
Thanks to those that have helped me on the development, particularly those in jkube slack channel and in the infinispan zulip channel
For testing, you can do the following:
Just execute
mvn clean compile jar:jar spring-boot:repackage spring-boot:run -Pembedded,host
Connect to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html and test some methods
If you want to check everything is ok, connect to http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus, and see the cache_* metrics
Download infinispan-server
Create an user with the following credentials:
user: developer pass:
mvn clean compile jar:jar spring-boot:repackage spring-boot:run -Premote,host
mvn clean compile jar:jar spring-boot:repackage k8s:build k8s:push k8s:resource k8s:deploy -Premote,kubernetes
mvn k8s:resource k8s:undeploy -Pkubernetes,embedded
For a quick test
- Start the infinispan server
- From the console, create a cache called
using the "example.PROTOBUF_DIST" template - Start the app in remote mode
- Check
Data Container / Schemas tab
in the console. You should see acustomer.proto
- Put a customer
http PUT http://localhost:8080/customer < data/customer-1.json