

Phase-Based Video Motion Processing

This repository contains an unofficial Octave port of the code for phase-based video motion processing as published by the Video Magnification group at CSAIL.

This package is a MATLAB implementation of our papers

Eulerian Video Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes in the World
ACM Transaction on Graphics, Volume 31, Number 4 (Proceedings SIGGRAPH 2012)

Phase-Based Video Motion Processing
ACM Transaction on Graphics, Volume 32, Number 4 (Proceedings SIGGRAPH 2013)

The papers, supplementary materials, and videos can be found on the project web pages:

The code is supplied for educational purposes only. Please refer to the enclosed LICENSE_Linear.pdf file regarding permission to use the software. Please cite our papers if you use any part of the code or data on the project web pages.

For questions/feedback/bugs, or if you would like to make commercial use of this software, please contact:

Neal Wadhwa nwadhwa@mit.edu
Michael Rubinstein mrub@mit.edu
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Oct 23, 2013

Tips for recording and processing videos

At capture time:

  • Minimize extraneous motion. Put the camera on a tripod. If appropriate, provide support for your subject (e.g. hand on a table, stable chair).
  • Minimize image noise. Use a camera with a good sensor, make sure there is enough light.
  • Record in the highest spatial resolution possible and have the subject occupy most of the frame. The more pixels covering the object of interest - the better the signal you would be able to extract.
  • If possible, record/store your video uncompressed. Codecs that compress frames independently (e.g. Motion JPEG) are usually preferable over codecs exploiting inter-frame redundancy (e.g. H.264) that, under some settings, can introduce compression-related temporal signals to the video.

When processing:

  • To amplify motion, we recommend our new phase-based pipeline (SIGGRAPH 2013).
  • To amplify color, use the linear pipeline (SIGGRAPH 2012).
  • Choose the correct time scale that you want to amplify. For example, heart beats tend to occur around once per second for adults, corresponding to 1Hz, and you can amplify content between 0.5Hz and 3Hz to be safe. The narrower the interval, the more focused the amplification is and the less noise gets amplified, but at the risk of missing physical phenomena.
  • Don't forget to account for the video frame rate when specifying the temporal passband! See our code for examples.

Linear Color and Motion Magnification (SIGGRAPH 2012)

The code includes the following combination of spatial and temporal filters, which we used to generate all the results in the paper:

Spatial Temporal
Laplacian pyramid Ideal bandpass
Laplacian pyramid Butterworth bandpass
Laplacian pyramid Second-order IIR bandpass
Gaussian pyramid Ideal bandpass

The code was written in MATLAB R2011b, and tested on Windows 7, macOS, and Linux. It uses the pyramid toolbox by Eero Simoncelli (matlabPyrTools), available at http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/software.php. For convenience, we have included a copy of version 1.4 (updated Dec. 2009) of their toolbox here. The code currently also requires MATLAB's Image Processing Toolbox. We hope to remove this dependency in the future.

To reproduce the results shown in the paper:

  1. Download the source videos from the project web page into a directory data inside the directory containing this code. The download_data.sh script will
  2. Start up MATLAB and change directory to the location of this code.
  3. Run make.m to build pyramid toolbox libraries.
  4. Run setPath.m.
  5. Run reproduceResultSiggraph12.m to reproduce all the results in the paper.

NOTE: Generating each of the results will take a few minutes. We have selected parameters that result in better looking videos, however, depending on your application, you may not need such high quality results.

The parameters we used to generate the results presented in the paper can be found in the script reproduceResultsSiggraph12.m. Please refer to the paper for more detail on selecting the values for the parameters. In some cases, the parameters reported in the paper do not exactly match the ones in the script, as we have refined our parameters through experimentation. Feel free to experiment on your own!

Phase-Based Motion Processing (SIGGRAPH 2013)

The code includes functions to motion magnify videos using ideal bandpass filters in the frequency domain and arbitrary time domain LTI filters. It also includes codes to attenuate motions.

Function Description
phaseAmplify Amplifies motion with arbitrary temporal filter
phaseAmplifyLargeMotions Amplifies small motions, but leaves large motions unchanged (stomp.avi)
motionAttenuateFixedPhase Attenuates motions by fixing all phases to a reference frame (face.avi)
motionAttenuateMedianPhase Attenuates motions by applying median filter to phases (moon.avi)

To reproduce the results shown in the paper:

  1. Download the source videos (1.3GB) from the project web page into the directory data inside the directory containing the code. The download_data.sh script does this for you.
  2. Start MATLAB and change directory to location of this code.
  3. Run setPath.m to add directories to MATLAB's path.
  4. Run reproduceResultsSiggraph13.m to reproduce all results in the paper.

Notes: This script takes four hours to run on a laptop with a quad core processor and 16GB of RAM. To speed up running time, uncomment line 11 in reproduceResultsSiggraph13.m to use the faster octave-bandwidth complex steerable pyramid. The released code has been tuned to use less than 16GB of ram for all of the input videos. As a result, it may be slower than the reported times in our paper.

We allow the user to choose one of four representations: octave, half octave, half octave with a smoother window (see appendix A of paper) and quarter octave. It is also possible for the user to specify their own pyramids (see getFilters.m and getFiltersSmoothWindow.m). We also allow the user to specify an arbitrary temporal filter. See FIRWindowBP.m for an example.

The previous technique of Wu et al. 2012 uses an ideal bandpassing function (ideal_bandpassing.m). These functions have two bugs: they attenuate motions in the passband by 50% and do not approximate true ideal bandpass filter well. This issue has been fixed in FIRWindowBP.m, which does not attenuate motions in the passband and more closely approximates an ideal filter in the frequency domain than ideal_bandpassing.m. As a result, all of our magnification factors (alpha) for sequences that use the Ideal bandpass function are half of what they would be in the linear technique.

The sequences eye.avi, throat.avi and car_engine.avi have been preprocessed with a filter to remove a 120Hz flicker in the illumination source.