
Two Minute Motivation -- Get your motivation in two minutes or less

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Two-Minute Motivation


Two Minute Motivation is an app that solves the feeling of laziness by building a small piece of momentum. It provides the user with ideas on what they could do to jumpstart themselves.

I wanted to have a simple app which was just complex enough to allow for implementing various technologies. The list of used technologies can be found at the end of this document.

Starting the App

One-Time Setup

  • Install Node and npm
  • Global install yarn: npm install -g yarn
  • Install Heroku CLI: brew install heroku
  • Global install Flow: npm install -g flow-typed
  • Copy env file: cp .env-example .env
  • Enable linting in Sublime Text 3
    • Install SublimeLinter
    • Install SublimeLinter-eslint
    • Install SublimeLinter-flow
  • Enable auto-styling in Sublime Text 3
    • Install JsPrettier
    • In Terminal, run which prettier
    • In Terminal, run which node
    • Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings > JsPrettier > Settings - User
  "prettier_cli_path": "<result of `which prettier`>",
  "node_path": "<result of `which node`>",
  "auto_format_on_save": true,
  "prettier_options": {
    "parser": "babylon",
    "singleQuote": true,
    "printWidth": 80,
    "trailingComma": "es5",
    "bracketSpacing": true,
    "jsxBracketSameLine": false,
    "semi": false,
    "tabs": false

Every Time

  • Install dependencies: yarn install
  • Start the watch servers:
    • Standard watch:
      • yarn watch:server
      • yarn watch:client
    • Using Cypress:
      • yarn test:e2e:dev
  • Install new types: flow-typed install


Husky is used to manage Git hooks. This enforces all contributors to have to follow precommit requirements.

Precommit Hook Errors

If you get an error when committing, it's most likely because you have the server running in another tab.

Tech Used

  • UI / Front-End
    • Sketch
    • Bootstrap 4
    • React
    • Redux
  • Build Steps
    • Prettier
    • Babel
    • Webpack
  • Testing
    • ESLint and Flow (static tests)
    • Jest
    • Cypress
  • Performance / Progressive Web App
    • Lighthouse
  • Back-End / DevOps
    • Node
    • Express
    • Husky
    • Heroku


  • Offline functionality (while grabbing new ideas when offline)
  • Accessibility
  • React Native (with different view for landscape vs portrait)
  • FAQs / Research section