Documents front-end challenge

This project consists in a sample react app and a JSON-SERVER to implement Qualyteam's front-end challenge.

To run this project you should

  1. Install the project
    npm install
  1. You can start the app and server concurrently or start each one separately

Run both

    npm run dev

Run app

    npm start

Run server

    npm run start-server

Server Endpoints

GET /documents get all documents
POST /documents create a document
GET /documents/:id get a specific document
PUT /documents/:id update a document
DELETE /documents/:id delete a document
GET /processes get all processes
POST /processes create a process
GET /processes/:id get a specific process
PUT /processes/:id update a process
DELETE /processes/:id delete a process

With Json Server you can filter, paginate and sort your queries.

App Dependencies



React router