Reinforcement learning project


A reinforcement learning agent was trained to visit predefined points in 2D space.
Project for Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning course at FERIT


  • tf-agents
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • scipy


run python to train the agent.
run python to store all observations in a .csv file for an iteration and display the trajectory using matplotlib.

if you want to render the animation from the csv using blender

  • open the blender file
  • copy generated .csv file into the render folder
  • run the provided script inside the blender text editor
  • adjust the length using the timeline
  • render using Viewport render animation


Actor follows a simplified 2D car/vehicle model. It behaves similarly to the asteroids game.

The environment keeps track of the current actor position, playing area size and other values defining both the actor and the environment itself.
Playing area of 100x100 m was chosen.
Targets were generated, using a random uniform distribution. Target positions are in range [-0.25 * playing_area, 0.25 * playing area]


Environment observations consist of 7 values in range [-1, 1].

  • values [0] and [1] define the current target location(x, y)
  • values [2] and [3] define the current actor location(x, y)
  • values [4] and [5] define the current actor velocity vector(x, y)
  • value [6] defines the angle difference between current heading and desired heading


The agent can choose to apply one of three actions:

  • 0 - continue straight
  • 1 - turn left (ccw)
  • 2 - turn right (cw)


  • (starting angle - ending angle) / max angle at each step
  • 25 + 75 * (1 - current step / max steps) when target is reached
  • -100 if target area is left
  • 25 * (1 - current distance / initial distance) at last simulation step, if not done
  • 2.5 some silly edge case...

Simulation termination

  • if the actor leaves the playing area
  • if the actor visits the given target
  • if the actor fails to rech the target within the defined max_steps


It sort of works...