
Study investigating the habitat preferences of mosquitoes in North Carolina

Primary LanguageR

Mosquitoes of the Field and Forest: The scale of habitat segregation in a diverse mosquito assemblage

Michael H. Reiskind, Randi H. Griffin, M. Shawn Janairo, and Kristen A. Hopperstad

This repository contains the data and code for this study on the landscape ecology of mosquito communities in North Carolina, which was published in the journal Medical and Veternary Entomology. I also published a vegan tutorial that uses the data from this study on my blog.


The Analysis folder contains all the data and code needed to reproduce our results. Several R packages must be installed for the code to work:

install.packages("glmmADMB", repos=c("http://glmmadmb.r-forge.r-project.org/repos", 
getOption("repos")), type="source")

If there are problems installing glmmADMB, see installation tips on the glmmADMB package website.


data.csv contains landscape classifications and abundances of different mosquito species for all of the trap sites in our study.

R code

analysis.R contains all of the R code to run the analyses and make the figures in our study.