
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Interpretation of the task

Assumed that filtering of companies by name and services is done on the backend. Checkboxes filter companies, that have at least one of the selected services (that may be confusing UX)


https://jolly-villani-fb50d0.netlify.app/ There is a demo.gif in this repo with the demo of the app.

Initial design

Before building the app, I sketched it in figma:




yarn start

Cypress tests (check out frontend\cypress\integration\search.spec.js)

yarn cypress:open


Search is debounced Site is deployed on Netlify using their service (doesnt work in the Github Actions for some reason)


  • React
  • Typescript
  • Cypress
  • Vite


It is built using Serverless and deployed by a Github action

Running locally

First make sure to yarn install.

yarn watch - watches and rebuilds typescript code into Node14 compatible code in dist folder. yarn start - runs serverless in offline mode

To develop, you would run yarn watch in one terminal and yarn start in another (otherwise serverless-offline complains about something related ot terminal interactive mode).


Testing is run on jest with supertest. swc is used to transform Typescript (it is much faster than babel and ts-jest transpilers)


yarn build is using esbuild to transpile Typescript down to JS supported on Node14.


Right now App is running on serverless with wildcard routes using the following:

path: /{any+}
method: any

Actual routing and validation is performed by express.

Unimplemented ideas

If there are more endpoints, I would use GraphQL on top of serverless (e.g. apollo-server-lambda) (I find GraphQL schema language is easier to work with and has better tooling than OpenAPI). Otherwise I'd use a more declarative REST library like NestJS with decorators.

I would maybe create terraform deployment instead of serverless to have more control (e.g. to run on Node v16, which is at LTS but still doesn't seem to be supported by serverless).


Add unit tests with jest + react-testing-library on the frontend.

Infinite scroll for search results, in case there are a lot of companies.