A Wheel of Fortune clone game build started during the freeCodeCamp Chicago session on 2020-06-07.
This project was built in an ad-hoc procedural fashion. You'll find that it is not making good use of objects, there was no object-oriented design done before coding this up, and it is not very clean (in terms of organization and flow). This was intentional. It is meant to be an example of how someone relatively new to JavaScript might approach writing such a project.
This repo should be used as an exercise to do the following:
- Read and comprehend someone else's code (you can walk through the commits to see step-by-step how it was built too)
- Practice contributing to a project by forking, adding a puzzle, and performing a pull request.
- Fork the repo to play with the styling (for CSS practice)
- Fork the repo to refactor this code; there's a lot of room for improvement in it's current state, such as:
- Refactor to remove duplicate code and better organize the code
- Make better use of objects
- Design and re-write the code in an object oriented way
- Make use of events for driving the game state
The build as mentioned above exists on the master branch. In the future I will go about making the aforementioned improvements, writing this game in different ways, using distinct branches of this repo for comparison. I'll maintain a list of these branches, as they come to exist, below for reference.
- master: Initial ad-hoc procedural build of this game. (demo)
- initial-v1.0.0 (tag): The initial version of the game