
Website running user and event management.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Custom-build Django application for We All Code

We, the community and staff, have been building a custom Django application to handle out many parts of our organization.

Initial Setup

  1. Fork and clone this repository locally.
  2. Download and install Docker for Mac or Windows.
  3. Create a new file names .env based on .env.sample.
  4. Run the following to get a random Django secret key.
python -c "import string,random; uni=string.ascii_letters+string.digits+string.punctuation; print(repr(''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(uni) for i in range(random.randint(45,50))])))"
  1. Enter the output inside the .env file for SECRET_KEY. Be sure to include the double quotes (") around the key. It'll look like the following SECRET_KEY="<unique-key-here>".
  2. Navigate into the project directory via terminal and run docker-compose build
  3. Once complete, run docker-compose up
  4. Load up your browser and go to
  5. When you are done, you can stop the project via ctrl+c

Note: Docker for Mac requires OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 or above. Docker for Windows requires Microsoft Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise 64-bit, Windows 10 Home (version 1903 or higher w/WSL 2). For previous versions download Docker Toolbox.

Debugging Accounts


username: admin@sink.sendgrid.net
password: admin


username: mentor@sink.sendgrid.net
password: mentor


username: guardian@sink.sendgrid.net
password: guardian

Continual work

After the initial project setup, you will only need to run docker-compose up --build.

Useful Information

Set up main repository as upstream

To setup the main respository as upstream, you can add a new remote called upstream.

git remote add upstream https://github.com/WeAllCode/website.git

Update local code from upstream

To grab the latest code from the main repo (named upstream), run the following.

git fetch upstream --prune
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master master

Creating a new branch

Create a new branch based off of upstream's master branch.

git fetch upstream --prune
git checkout -b feature/a-good-name upstream/master
git push -u origin feature/a-good-name

Pull Request

Pull requests are always welcome. Make sure your pull request does one task only. That is, if it's fixing a bug, the pull request fixes only that bug. If you're adding a feature, make sure the pull request adds that one feature, not multiple at once.

Follow the "Creating a new branch" step above. Be sure to always push to your origin remote, not upstream.

Running commands on the docker container

  • Running a command on a Docker app in a new container.
docker-compose run --rm app <command>


docker-compose run --rm app /bin/bash
docker-compose run --rm app poetry lock
docker-compose run --rm app python manage.py makemigrations
docker-compose run --rm app python manage.py migrate
  • Cleaning up the docker containers:
docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker-compose rm -f; docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true);
  • Rebuild docker containers after major changes:
docker-compose build