
Do not allow prints in your python code.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python package PyPI Code style: black pylint NoPrint


Do not allow prints in your python code anymore. Official repository of NoPrint package. Packages are scanned recursively.

Output readout

Visible always:

  • Critical info - if import of one of your modules results with an exception (or is missing - maybe you mistyped your package?).
  • Final result (success, prints detected or critical error)

Verbosity options for -v:

  • Outputs which modules contain print statements at which lines
  • Warning when any of your submodules are missing __init__.py files (reported always as warnings)
  • Receive a warning if one of packages that's being analysed is out of system's scope - it will still be scanned, but that "package" is not reachable outside of that directory, these are e.g. tests directories
  • Receive a warning if one of your packages is overshadowing a package available on system/environment level, e.g. if you have requested to analyse your test directory, but Python already has an internal package called test

Verbosity options for -vv (or -v -v on older Python versions):

  • All the options from -v
  • NoPrint will tell you specifically which of your submodules are clear of print statements


There's NONE! You can use this package to your heart's content. Unless you'd like to develop for it, for this you'll need Black, Pylint and Pytest along with Pytest-cov.


Pull straight from this repo to install manually or just use pip: pip install noprint will do the trick.


Use as command:

usage: NoPrint [-h] [-e] [-f] [-v] [--version] packages [packages ...] [-m [MULTI]]

Do not allow prints in your code.

positional arguments:
  packages              which packages/modules to check, syntax: <package>[.<module> ...], e.g. noprint or noprint.cli

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --error-out       exit with error when print is found (by default only warnings are shown)
  -f, --first-only      finish on first print found
  -v, --verbose         provide more analysis information (use multiple v's to increase logging level)
  -m [MULTI], --multi [MULTI]
                        set how many threads to use
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Thank you for using NoPrint


Provide number of threads after -m parameter. Default's to 1 if not provided or provided without specific number. If 0 or less is given then it will use number of available vCPUs reported by multiprocessing library.

Example in Makefile:

(venv) root@/DummyProject# make test
{ \
        . venv/bin/activate && \
        noprint -evvm 0 tp && \
        echo "Finished!" ; \
[ERROR]:[tp] Line: 4
[ERROR]:[tp.submodule] Line: 20
[ERROR]:Print statements detected
make: *** [Makefile:4: test] Error 1

This package performs recursive tests on itself before being merged - you can check suggested usage in Makefile.


If you'd like to develop for this package (for some reason) then it's rather straightforward. On Windows start init.bat command (WSL2 required). This will install a local WSL2 image with small Ubuntu environment and set up virtual environment for you. If you're already using Unix-based system, you can just use init.sh as that will create Python virtual environment.

Before creating Pull Request, make sure that your tests are passing. This is a small package, so I want to maintain 100% coverage - # pragma: no cover is only allowed in very specific scenarios (like single line method wrapper).

Want to show off?

Feel free to drop this badge into your repo. Glad to have you onboard.

<a href="https://github.com/rgryta/NoPrint"><img alt="NoPrint" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/NoPrint-enabled-blueviolet"></a>