
MooVeeStar is a MV* Framework built ontop of MooTools

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MooVeeStar is a MV* Framework built ontop of MooTools. It has been based off other MVC Frameworks such as Backbone.js and Epitome.


See the documentation at http://rgthree.github.io/mooveestar/



MooVeeStar uses grunt to automate linting, testing and compressing.

  1. Fork the MooVeeStar repo

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine

     $ git clone git@github.com:<your_username>/mooveestar.git
  3. Install the development dependencies

     $ cd mooveestar
     $ npm install
  4. Make your changes in src/mooveestar.js

  5. Add/modify your tests in test/tests/test.js

  6. Run grunt to lint, test and compress your work

     $ grunt 
  7. If all goes well, commit with a thought out message

  8. If you have contributions, send a pull request