
This repository is the code basis for the paper titled "Balancing Privacy and Explainability in Federated Learning"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This repository has the following structure:

├── FL/
├── XAI/
├── [DATASET]/
├── config.py
├── correlation.py
├── data_division.py
├── feature_analysis.py
├── federated_learning.py
├── model_eval.py
├── single_training.py
├── plot_history.py
├── Util.py
└── xai.py

Other folders contain data and results for specific datasets, which have the following structure:

├── data/
├── fl/
├── models/
├── xai/
└── [DATASET].py

For the main structure:

  • FL/ contains the implementation of the federated learning algorithms, which are used in federated_learning.py.
  • XAI/ contains the implementation of the XAI algorithms, which are used in xai.py.
  • config.py defines the datasets and xai methods to be used in the experiments.
  • Util.py contains a class which all datasets must inherit from.
  • The other files are used to run experiments, use --help to see the options.

For the dataset structure:

  • data/ contains the data files, including the train, test, validation and specific workers' data.
  • fl/ contains the results of the federated learning algorithms, including the models and the training logs, for each experiment.
  • models/ contains the models to be used in XAI algorithms.
  • xai/ contains the results for each XAI algorithm, including the .csv files with the explanations and the plots.
  • [DATASET].py contains the implementation of the dataset, including the data loading and the data division.


First, create a virtual environment and install the requirements:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, we need to fix an issue in fanova, which is not compatible with latest versions of Numpy, and to do so we need to change the line 286 in venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fanova/fanova.py from:

            sample = np.full(self.n_dims, np.nan, dtype=np.float)


            sample = np.full(self.n_dims, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)

Download the datasets and put them in the data/ folder of each dataset (links found in the data/README.md files of each dataset).

Finally, run the data_processing.py and data_division.py files for each dataset, to process the data and divide it into train, test, validation and workers' data.

Running the experiments

  • Run single_training.py for each dataset
  • Run federated_learning.py for the experiments you want to run
  • Copy the models for evaluation to the models/ folder of each dataset
  • Run xai.py for the experiments you want to run
  • Run correlation.py and/or feature_analysis.py for a given dataset and xai method to save the results in the corresponding folder


Network Slicing



shap correlation values using PCC


shap correlation values using SRCC



fanova correlation values using PCC


fanova correlation values using SRCC

Intrusion Detection



shap correlation values using PCC


shap correlation values using SRCC



fanova correlation values using PCC


fanova correlation values using SRCC



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details