
Minikube as well as k8s commands that I should document

A documentation on my way to an Application-Deployment on Kubernetes by using Minikube

brew cask install virtualbox
brew install minikube

Start Minikube with VMware Fusion driver

minikube --vm-driver=vmwarefusion start

Start Minikube

minikube start
minikube status
minikube ip
minikube get-k8s-versions

You can start a new k8s-cluster with a specific version by using

minikube start --kubernetes-version v1.10.0
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get pod
kubectl get deployment

Deployment of the application Yelb by https://github.com/mreferre

git clone https://github.com/mreferre/yelb.git
cd /path...
kubectl create namespace yelb
kubectl -n yelb create -f /path.../yelb/deployments/platformdeployment/Kubernetes/cnawebapp-minikube-nodeport.yaml

Check the running services using

minikube service list

|  NAMESPACE  |         NAME         |             URL             |
| default     | kubernetes           | No node port                |
| kube-system | kube-dns             | No node port                |
| kube-system | kubernetes-dashboard | |
| yelb        | redis-server         | No node port                |
| yelb        | yelb-appserver       | No node port                |
| yelb        | yelb-db              | No node port                |
| yelb        | yelb-ui              | |

Open the Yelb UI over

Start the Kubernetes Dashboard

minikube dashboard

Delete a specific POD/ Container for demoing Kubernetes Health-Monitoring

kubectl -n yelb get pod
kubectl -n yelb delete pod *pod-id*
Kubectl delete deployment *name*