
AMQ Broker deployment ansible role

Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Role Name

A JBoss AMQ 7 Broker deployment role.



Build/Test Status

Linux Build Status: Linux Build Status

Role Variables: Basic Variables

Variables controlling what will be executed by the role.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_skip_install false Whether to skip installation process.
amq_broker_skip_create false Whether to skip instance creation process.
amq_broker_skip_configure true Whether to skip instance configure process.
amq_broker_start_server true Whether to start broker instance.
amq_broker_service_start true Whether to start/operate broker as service. (preferred way)
amq_broker_force_kill false Whether to allow kill broker or not.
amq_broker_kill_all false Whether to allow kill all broker processes via root or not.
amq_broker_skip_iptables false Whether to skip setting firewall for broker.
amq_broker_perform_teardown false Whether to perform tear down actions or not (close ports, clean environment, etc).
amq_broker_write_amq_facts false Whether to dump system facts to a file (used to integrate this role in some test automation tools).

Note: amq_broker_write_amq_facts is disabled by default because it's broken. It's part of a larger requirement that is still in development. Users are advised to not use it at the moment.

Role Variables: Installation Variables

Variables controlling broker installation parameters.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_download_dest /tmp Download destination
amq_broker_install_dest /home/{{ amq_broker_user }} Install destination
amq_broker_user jamq System user to create for running JBoss AMQ 7 Broker
amq_broker_user_uid 5672 System user uid to create for running JBoss AMQ 7 Broker
amq_broker_install_link jboss-amq-7 Friendly link name for the installation dir
amq_broker_custom_install_link /opt/jboss-amq-7 Optional custom link to the used broker.
amq_broker_download_url Upstream Apache Artemis 2+ Download URL exported as environment variable AMQ_BROKER_DOWNLOAD_URL. If not defined, it uses Apache Artemis (upstream version) (must be a zip file)
amq_broker_db_driver_url undefined Download JDBC DB driver if environment variable AMQ_BROKER_DB_DRIVER_DOWNLOAD_URL is provided.
amq_broker_jvm_manage true Whether to allow any management operations in regards to JVM/JDK.
amq_broker_jvm_install true Whether to install a Java JVM.
amq_broker_jvm java-1.8.0-openjdk The Java JVM to install. Use JAVA_TYPE env variable for custom java (openjdk-java-11).
amq_broker_default_facts_file /etc/ansible/facts.d/amq_broker.fact Generate broker related information to this file.

Role Variables: Instance Variables

Variables controlling the creation of a broker instance.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_instance_name amq The instance name
amq_broker_instance_journal_type nio The type of the journal (aio, nio or disabled)
+amq_broker_instance_journal_nio_fsync false Enable/disable usage of fdatasync (f/ NIO)
amq_broker_instance_create_force true Whether to force instance creation (this does not create fresh broker instance)
amq_broker_instance_role amq The role
amq_broker_instance_user admin The instance user
amq_broker_instance_require_login true Whether the instance requires login
amq_broker_instance_password admin The instance password
amq_broker_instance_web_host The listen address for the web administration interface
amq_broker_instance_rmi_host The listen address for the JMX RMI
amq_broker_instance_broker_host undefined The host address to use (used for clustering)
amq_broker_instance_create_options --force --require-login --password=admin --http-host {{ amq_broker_instance_web_host }} Extra options for creating the instance
amq_broker_instance_jmx_port 1099 JMX port
amq_broker_instance_create_java_options -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port={{ amq_broker_instance_jmx_port }} -Djava.rmi.server.hostname={{ amq_broker_default_ipv4_address }} -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port={{ amq_broker_instance_jmx_port }} -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false {{ }} Java options to pass to the instance create command
amq_broker_instance_queues null A list of queues to create when creating the instance

Role Variables: Ports

Variables controlling which ports are used for the messaging services.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_default_port 61616 Default broker port
amq_broker_default_amqp 5672 Default AMQP broker port
amq_broker_default_stomp 61613 Default STOMP broker port
amq_broker_default_mqtt 1883 Default MQTT broker port
amq_broker_default_core 5445 Default Core broker port

Role Variables: Jolokia

Variables controlling the configuration of a broker instance.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_jolokia_allow_origin :// Cross-origin access settings for the management console

Role Variables: Configuration Variables

Variables controlling the configuration of a broker instance.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_instance_type default Instance type (one of default, default-cluster, default-ha or jgroups-cluster)

Role Variables: Configuration of GSSAPI

Variables controlling the configuration of a broker instance.

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_gssapi_enabled false Whether GSSAPI/Kerberos configuration is enabled or not
amq_broker_gssapi_sasl_login_config_scope msgqekerb JAAS login config scope name
amq_broker_gssapi_broker_principal amqp/<hostname_fqdn> GSSAPI Principal name of broker
amq_broker_gssapi_broker_keytab_path None Path to file or directory for principal keytab use env AMQ_GSSAPI_KEYTABS_PATH (if folder, <hostname --short>.keytab is assumed
amq_broker_gssapi_conf_file_path None Path to krb5.conf file for used GSSAPI realm; use env AMQ_GSSAPI_KRB_CONF_PATH

Role Variables: Cluster Variables

Variables controlling cluster parameters (for amq_broker_instance_type = default-cluster or default-ha)

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_cluster_broadcast_group_name my-broadcast-group Cluster broadcast address
amq_broker_cluster_broadcast_group_address Cluster group address
amq_broker_cluster_broadcast_group_port 9876 Cluster group port
amq_broker_cluster_discovery_group_name my-discovery-group Cluster discovery group
amq_broker_cluster_netty_connector_port 61617 Cluster discovery group
amq_broker_cluster_name my-cluster Cluster name
amq_broker_cluster_username ACTIVEMQ.CLUSTER.ADMIN.USER Cluster username
amq_broker_cluster_password redhat Cluster password
amq_broker_cluster_balancing ON_DEMAND Load balancing type (OFF, ON_DEMAND, STRICT)
amq_broker_cluster_broadcast_period 2000 Broadcast interval in milliseconds
amq_broker_cluster_max_hops 1 Cluster max hopes (use for CHAIN or SYMETRIC clustering)
amq_broker_cluster_replicated false Set cluster to Replication mode
amq_broker_cluster_sharedstore false Set cluster to Shared store mode
amq_broker_shared_store_dir None Set root directory of shared store

Supported Inventory: Host Variables

Variables which are defined in inventory file specific for given host

Name Default Value Description
amq_broker_external_address Not used by default Useful if broker is running on internal network, but is VM is accessed from outside of this network


  • A Java JVM must be present in the system if amq_broker_jvm_install is false.
  • For RHEL/CentOS 6 due to dependency of ansible-xml module, you have to install following packages yum install -y libxml2-devel libxslt-devel and upgrade python-lxml, because we need at least 2.5.0+: pip install --upgrade lxml This works even for deprecated python 2.6.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: all
	remote_user: root
		amq_broker_download_url: http://host/path/to/amq/jboss-amq-7.0.0.redhat-1-bin.zip
		amq_broker_download_dest: /tmp
		amq_broker_install_dest: /home/{{ amq_broker_user }}
		amq_broker_user: jamq
		amq_broker_install_link: jboss-amq-7
		amq_broker_jvm: java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
		amq_broker_jvm_install: true
		amq_broker_instance_dir: jboss-amq-7-i0
		amq_broker_instance_jmx_port: 1099
		- ansible-amq-broker


To test this role you need docker. If your system has docker, this role can be tested using the following command:

make test

Note: you need to install python2-docker for the test to run.


Apache 2.0

Author Information

Messaging QE team @ redhat.com