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ROSA Workshop - Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager and Red Hat Advanced Container Security modules

The following content is adopted from the Red Hat Modern Application Development ( MAD ) Workshop - OPs track to work in conjunction with the ROSA Workshop.


These instructions require two different workshop environments.

  1. MOBB ROSA Workshop

  2. Modern App Dev Roadshow - Ops Track


Sign into each workshop to get a environment assigned to you. See a workshop faciliator if you need help.

ROSA Workshop

The ROSA workshop can be used as a standalone workshop, follow the instructions in the lab guide. ROSA Workshop

Modern App Dev Roadshow - Ops Track

The instructions below supercede the formal instructions in the workshop guide. Feel free to go through the formal instructions if you would like, but the following instructions will incorporate the ROSA workshop cluster.

Advanced Cluster Security

For the first two modules, we will be using the workshop interface. To launch the workshop interface, click on the Access the workshop link and log in with the kubadmin credentials.

ROSA Workshop

DO NOT go through the instructions you see on the left nav, rather go through the following two links.

Vulnerability Scanning with ACS

DevSecOps with ACS

Advanced Cluster Manager

For the ACM module, we will be using the OpenShift console directly rather than the workshop interface.

After you sign into the workshop, you will be presented a page like this. Click on the OpenShift Console link and log in with the kubeadmin credentials listed.

ROSA Workshop

After you log into OpenShift, follow these instructions.

Multicluster Management with ACM