This guide shows how to create a Private Link STS ROSA cluster (Public coming soon!), the required operator IAM roles and the oidc provider using Red Hat RHCS Terraform Provider. This guide also provides examples of creating other necessary components like AWS VPC, Azure App Registration for Azure AD IDP provider and Azure AD IDP for ROSA Cluster. These additional component creations can be enabled using terraform variables. The goal of this guide is to show how to create a ROSA STS cluster and how to add additional terraform modules to extend cluster provisioning using terraform automation.
This guide extends the official RHCS ROSA Cluster TF privisioning example. Detail info can be found here
Variables can be passed to terraform using either Environment variables or using the terraform.tfvars file, which is placed in the directory where the terraform command executes.
Following example shows how to configure common terraform environment variables.
export TF_VAR_cluster_name="$Your_cluster_name"
Following examples show how to create the terraform.tfvars file for Public and Private link ROSA STS clusters.
A quick setup without using modules to build a ROSA STS cluster can be found in the ./rosa_sts_managed_oidc_no_modules directory. This can be helpful if you need to copy working terraform code into a protected environment without needing to copy the modules directory. This has limited customisation but is a good starting point for new users.
Change to the ./rosa_sts_managed_oidc_no_modules directory and run:
terraform apply -var cluster_name=my-rosa -var account_role_prefix=my-rosa -var operator_role_prefix=my-rosa -var aws_region=eu-west-1 -var availability_zones='["eu-west-1a","eu-west-1b","eu-west-1c"]' -var multi_az=true -var create_vpc=true -var enable_private_link=false
You can use the example in the ./rosa_sts_managed_oidc directory to make a ROSA STS cluster with a Managed OIDC provider
You can use the example in the ./rosa_sts_unmanaged_oidc directory to make a ROSA STS cluster with a self managed (unmanaged) OIDC provider
# Module selection
#ROSA Cluster Info
#AWS Info
availability_zones = ["us-east-2a","us-east-2b","us-east-2c"]
#Private Link Cluster
Terraform = "true"
TFEnvironment = "dev"
TFOwner = ""
#ROSA Cluster Info
#AWS Info
availability_zones = ["us-east-2a","us-east-2b","us-east-2c"]
#Private Link Cluster Info. Enable create_vpc to create new AWS VPC
private_subnet_cidrs=["", "", ""]
public_subnet_cidrs=["", "", ""]
Terraform = "true"
TFEnvironment = "dev"
TFOwner = ""
Download this repo
git clone
Change to the directory you wish to use to deploy your cluster
Create terraform.tfvars as above, then run
terraform init terraform plan terraform apply
To destroy resources
terraform destroy
- Do I want managed or unmanaged OIDC providers?
The managed OIDC provider creates the underlying resources in a Red Hat account, which you can consume. An unmanaged OIDC provider creates the underlying resources in your own account. If you are unsure, starting with Managed is probably easier.
- I'm getting this error, what do I do?
│ Error: either a token, an user name and password or a client identifier and secret are necessary, but none has been provided
Please export your RHCS_TOKEN as an environment variable, you can get this from
- Why is my cluster name something random like rosa-233is?
A random name is generated for your cluster if you do not provide the variable cluster_name
- How do I add default tags for my clusters?
You can export an environment variable like so:
export TF_VAR_default_aws_tags='{"owner"=""}'