Red Hat Openshift Service on AWS (ROSA) is a fully-managed turnkey application platform. A ROSA cluster can be created without any requirements on public subnets, internet gateways, or network address translation (NAT) gateways. In this configuration, Red Hat uses AWS PrivateLink to manage and monitor a cluster in order to avoid all public ingress network traffic.
To deploy Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) into your existing Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, Red Hat requires several prerequisites to be met. There are several requirements , Review AWS service quota and enable ROSA in your AWS account Access.
NOTE: STS(secure token service) allows us to deploy ROSA without needing a ROSA admin account, instead it uses roles and policies with Amazon STS to gain access to the AWS resources needed to install and operate the cluster.
In this series, we use Terraform to provision all resources in AWS to deploy a ROSA cluster with Privatelink and STS.
This terraform script provisions 2 VPCs(VPC for ROSA cluster and egress VPC), 3 subnets, a bastion, IGW, NGW and a forward proxy to control cluster's egress traffic.
Using the code in the repo will require having the following tools installed:
- The Terraform CLI
- The OC CLI
- Ansible
ansible-playbook files/generate-proxy-cert.yml
Modify the
var file, or modify the following command to customize your cluster.terraform init terraform plan -var "cluster_name=my-tf-cluster" -out rosa.plan terraform apply rosa.plan
Create ROSA cluster in the private subnet
The command provided in the Terraform output will create a private-link cluster in the private subnet. It should look something like this:
rosa create cluster --cluster-name mhs-8v --mode auto --sts \ --machine-cidr --service-cidr \ --pod-cidr --host-prefix 23 --yes \ --private-link --subnet-ids subnet-03632b7e0e59f5773,subnet-0e6879794df1ba7cd,subnet-01b8e7c51e780c411 \ --multi-az \ --http-proxy \ --https-proxy \ --additional-trust-bundle-file ./files/squid-ca-cert.pem
Create a ROSA admin user and save the login command for use later
rosa create admin -c $ROSA_CLUSTER_NAME
Note the DNS name of your private cluster, use the
rosa describe
command if neededrosa describe cluster -c $ROSA_CLUSTER_NAME
Create a route53 zone association for the egress VPC
Option 1: using CLI
ZONE=$(aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-vpc --vpc-id vpc-04fd66db807b5a2af \ --vpc-region us-east-2 \ --query 'HostedZoneSummaries[*].HostedZoneId' --output text) aws route53 associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone \ --hosted-zone-id $ZONE \ --vpc VPCId=vpc-0ce55194f8d0a6472,VPCRegion=us-east-2 \ --output text
Option 2: using GUI
find your cluster hosted zone($YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS) and associate egress VPC ($YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME.egress_vpc.) to it
To associate additional VPCs with a private hosted zone using the Route 53 console: Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Route 53 console at In the navigation pane, choose ROSA cluster Hosted zones. Choose the radio button for the private hosted zone that you want to associate more VPCs with. Choose Edit. Choose Add VPC. Choose the Region and the ID of the VPC that you want to associate with this hosted zone. To associate more VPCs with this hosted zone, repeat steps 5 and 6. Choose Save changes.
You can use sshuttle or ssh tunneling to connect to your cluster
Create a sshuttle VPN via your bastion:
sshuttle --dns -NHr ec2-user@
Log into the cluster using oc login command from the create admin command above. ex.
oc login https://api.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS:6443 --username cluster-admin --password xxxxxxxxxx
Check that you can access the Console by opening the console url in your browser.
update /etc/hosts to point the openshift domains to localhost. Use the DNS of your openshift cluster as described in the previous step in place of
below127.0.0.1 api.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS console-openshift-console.apps.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS oauth-openshift.apps.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS
Use public IP address from Terraform output to connect to bastion host. SSH to that instance, tunneling traffic for the appropriate hostnames. Be sure to use your new/existing private key, the OpenShift DNS for
and your jump host IP for$YOUR_EC2_IP
sudo ssh -i PATH/TO/YOUR_KEY.pem \ -L 6443:api.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS:6443 \ -L 443:console-openshift-console.apps.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS:443 \ -L 80:console-openshift-console.apps.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS:80 \ ec2-user@$YOUR_EC2_IP
From your EC2 jump instances, download the OC CLI and install it locally
- Download the OC CLI for Linux
- Unzip and untar the binary
gunzip openshift-client-linux.tar.gz tar -xvf openshift-client-linux.tar
- Download the OC CLI for Linux
Log into the cluster using oc login command from the create admin command above. ex.
oc login https://api.$YOUR_OPENSHIFT_DNS:6443 --username cluster-admin --password xxxxxxxxxx
Check that you can access the Console by opening the console url in your browser.
Delete ROSA
rosa delete cluster -c $ROSA_CLUSTER_NAME -y rosa delete operator-roles -c <cluster id> rosa delete oidc-provider -c <cluster id>
Delete AWS resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve