
PNG annotator tool

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PNG annotator tool

This is very simple (under 300 lines of python) Tk-based image annotator that I created to help me mark and save coordinates of objects in images.

I've only tested it on Linux (Ubuntu 18).

Screenshot and example output

Alt text

Example output (saved as .txt next to original image file)

191.0, 148.0, 230.0, 194.0
238.0, 119.0, 262.0, 145.0
257.0, 131.0, 286.0, 154.0
271.0, 87.0, 298.0, 119.0
311.0, 76.0, 326.0, 96.0
228.0, 189.0, 278.0, 237.0
301.0, 175.0, 338.0, 223.0
344.0, 162.0, 443.0, 286.0
488.0, 250.0, 440.0, 310.0
504.0, 177.0, 466.0, 223.0
354.0, 124.0, 376.0, 146.0
369.0, 130.0, 402.0, 165.0
430.0, 141.0, 400.0, 166.0
392.0, 93.0, 416.0, 117.0
429.0, 112.0, 405.0, 135.0
449.0, 105.0, 478.0, 138.0
499.99999999999994, 87.0, 522.0, 114.0


Note: Python version must be >= 3.6


python png-annotator.py your_image.png


  • Use +, - and 0 keys to zoom in, zoom out, or reset zoom, respectively.
  • Use arrow keys to move around in the image.
  • Use the mouse to draw rectangles on the image.
  • Press s to save the currently drawn rectangles.
  • Use z to remove the most-recently-drawn rectangle.

PS: There is no "undo" action.


MIT - see LICENSE file.

Future work

  • Support proper window resizing. Right now it's hard-coded to 600x400.
  • Add ability to label rectangles (i.e. labelled regions).
  • Add a small status bar that would show what the label of the rectangle is that the mouse is hovering over.