This is a Lua wrapper for the XOSD library.
The code for Lua-XOSD is released under the MIT License.
Please send comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. to .
In order to build and install lua-xosd, you will need:
To build, edit the paths in to match your system configuration (or replace with one of the provided samples), and then type "make". To run a test suite, "make test". To install, "make install".
local xosd = require "xosd"
disp =
new can be passed an optional table with the following settings:
- x and y coordinates ("x", "y")
- colors ("color", "shadow_color", "outline_color") All can be spelled "colour", as a brief nod to i18n. Colors can be specified by name (see rgb.txt in your X distribution) or by hex triplets such as "#66ddaa".
- offsets ("shadow_offset", "outline_offset")
- "timeout" (in seconds)
- "font" (a name, e.g. "fixed", or values used by e.g. xfontsel)
- "align" ("L", "C", "R", case insensitive - left, center, right)
- "pos" ("T", "M", "B", case insensitive - top, middle, bottom)
For example:
osd ={ font="-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*",
shadow_offset=2, outline_offset=1,
colour="white", outline_color="DarkSlateGray",
shadow_colour="MediumOrchid", timeout=4, align="c" }
The following methods can be used to change those settings later:
- set_align( align )
- set_color( color_name )
- set_shadow_color( color_name )
- set_outline_color( color_name )
- set_font( font_key )
- set_timeout( seconds )
- set_horizontal_offset( pixels )
- set_vertical_offset( pixels )
- set_pos( (x, y) OR "Top", "Middle", or "Bottom" )
- set_shadow_offset( pixels )
- set_outline_offset( pixels )
Displaying is controlled by the following methods:
- print( string, [blocking, line] ): If blocking, pause until timeout, otherwise display is asynchronous. Line count is for multi-line displays, and defaults to 1.
- print_percent( percent, [blocking, line] ): Percent is between 0 and 100.
- print_slider( percent, [blocking, line] )
- show()
- hide()
- wait(): Wait (blocking) until timeout.
Other misc. methods:
- is_onscreen(): Is it currently on-screen?
- get_line_count(): Get the number of lines in the display.
- scroll( lines ): Scroll a multi-line display.
For usage examples, see test.lua.