###Track your dog's lineage using DNA
The Puupercoin network tracks dog breeding activity across the globe in a decentralized way, and allow humans to track the genetic trail of anmicals. We will raise a maximum of 300 Ether. The crowdsale will run for 24 weeks.
Deployed on Kovan Testnet
Transaction Hash: 0x662f1545B26Cde11f38AE897f228777401B7E07F
In this contract, 10,000 wei are minted and offered for sale. Metamask can be used to add the custom token. Transfers are shown below.
Deployed on Ropsten Testnet
Transaction Hash: 0xfc4265c92dbe1706fb540fac1b4dd63529945a6e8986430c9cc29235875dedd0