
Arduino project that measures and displays air temperature

Primary LanguageC++


An Arduino project that displays current and historic air temperature measurements.

The temperature_display.ino Arduino sketch programs a Trinket M0 to capture air temperature measurements every 15 minutes using a TMP36 sensor. The latest measurement, along with a graph of the previous 24 hours of measurements, are shown on an I2C OLED display.



  • TMP36 VIN to Trinket M0 3V
  • TMP36 VOUT to Trinket M0 pin 4 (A4)
  • TMP36 GND to Trinket M0 GND
  • OLED SDA to Trinket M0 pin 0 (SDA)
  • OLED SLC to Trinket M0 pin 2 (SLC)
  • OLED VIN to Trinket M0 3V
  • OLED GND to Trinket M0 GND