A python package for music and audio analysis.
See http://bmcfee.github.io/librosa/ for a complete reference manual and introductory tutorials.
What does librosa do? Here are some quick demonstrations:
- Introduction notebook: a brief introduction to some commonly used features.
- Decomposition and IPython integration: an intermediate demonstration, illustrating how to process and play back sound
- SciKit-Learn integration: an advanced demonstration, showing how to tie librosa functions to feature extraction pipelines for machine learning
The latest stable release is available on PyPI, and you can install it by saying
pip install librosa
To build librosa from source, say python setup.py build
Then, to install librosa, say python setup.py install
If all went well, you should be able to execute the demo scripts under examples/
Alternatively, you can download or clone the repository and use easy_install
to handle dependencies:
unzip librosa.zip
easy_install librosa
git clone https://github.com/bmcfee/librosa.git
easy_install librosa
Please direct non-development questions and discussion topics to our web forum at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/librosa
Please refer to the Zenodo link below for citation information.