This app is meant to help you with accounting, giving you the possibility to add expenses, with tags and get some interesting data about your behaviour.
Be sure to read the requirements, install and launch paragraphs.
Add every expense you make, with a title, a price, a way of paiement and a date. Every expense will be visible on the home page, by month and date.
Add tags to your expenses to see charts showing you how much you spend each month, for each tag.
Some tags can be ignored from the monthly spent money amount. You can edit a tag and mark it as " to be ignored".
- Ruby 2.7.x
- Rails 6.x
- Bundler
$ git clone
$ cd accounting-ruby
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
$ cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml
$ bundle exec rails server # Visit http://localhost:3000
Still work in progress.
$ bundle exec rspec