
Primary LanguageTypeScript

fresh project


Start the project:

deno task start

This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary.



magic show


  1. file-system router (pages/folder/path/[id])
  2. React ~= Preact
  3. coding in tsx


| | Fresh | Next.is | | async-lo | tokio (moderm rust) | libuv (old-school C++) | | code base | - 5k loc | - 400k loc | | serverless | deno deploy | vercel | | build | JIT build: build on the fly (esbuild powered) | AOT build: webpack (swc powered) | | hydration | node by node | on root |

Low-level Lib

  1. new-school: tokio which powered linkerd tidb' etc, already support iouring`
  2. old-school: old codebase, async-fs in multi-thread: UV_THREADPQOL_SIZE

Voyage Of A Request

  1. nextis:
    1. *.js: static
    2. *.html:
      1. with getServerSideProps : render ToString instantly
      2. without "getServerSideProps" : pre-rendered static
    3. *.json: just getServerSideProps" and return props json
  2. fresh:
    1. *.html: renderToString instantly
    2. *.js: [#bundler.get (/src/server/context.ts) instantly

lsland Pattern
