This repository contains the LaTeX template for my cover letter.
The file cover-letter.tex
defines the template.
The recipient and salutation are defined in the file sections/setup.tex.
The body of the letter is stored in the file sections/body.tex.
You will want to change the files sections/setup.tex, sections/body.tex, and signature.png, according to your preferences. If you want git to stop tracking those changes, use the command:
git update-index --assume-unchanged <filename>
If you want to start tracking changes again, then use the command:
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <filename>
Compile the cover letter with:
This repository uses REUSE to document licenses. Each file either has a header containing copyright and license information, or has an entry in the DEP5 file at .reuse/dep5. The license files that are used in this project can be found in the LICENSES directory.
A copy of the GPL-3.0-or-later license is placed in LICENSE, to signify that it constitutes the majority of the codebase, and for compatibility with GitHub.