Pinned Repositories
This is just a simple set of scripts to accompany a recent paper and presentation on ECC.
🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
A simple Periscope video downloader for Python.
The open source version of my Résumé application made over the weekend before my first technical phone interview. The open source version just has my phone number and address extracted from it, but the original application has my address and phone number as well as the ability to call and text me. The purpose of this application is to showcase some of the newer Material Design features, third party libraries, as well as the new Android data binding library for MVVM.
Toodie is a quick-and-dirty two dimensional scroll view for Android.
A simple app used for generating a vibration array, useful for custom vibrate patterns for notifications.
rharkanson's Repositories
A simple Periscope video downloader for Python.
The open source version of my Résumé application made over the weekend before my first technical phone interview. The open source version just has my phone number and address extracted from it, but the original application has my address and phone number as well as the ability to call and text me. The purpose of this application is to showcase some of the newer Material Design features, third party libraries, as well as the new Android data binding library for MVVM.
This is just a simple set of scripts to accompany a recent paper and presentation on ECC.
🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
Toodie is a quick-and-dirty two dimensional scroll view for Android.
A simple app used for generating a vibration array, useful for custom vibrate patterns for notifications.
This project is a simple Web3 boilerplate, intended for students of the UNLV Blockchain course.
The content of the website