
Module for puppet to manage gitolite serverers

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

gitolite puppet module

This module manages gitolite servers



This class is used to install and setup a gitolite server. At a minimum it requires a public ssh key for the initial admin user and the username that admin will be identified by.


Verify the hooks directories are in place and installs some utility hooks to make it possible to run multiple hook scripts for each hook stage.


Installs the standard email hook from contrib/hooks provided with git.


The main variables for the module are set here.


This class simply installs the gitolite package for your OS.


Modify the user created by the gitolite package install. This can be useful if you need gitolite to be a member of specific groups for hook scripts to run properly as an example.


This contains the exec resource required to refresh the gitolite configuration when gitolite config files are changed or new hook scripts are deployed.

Defined Types


Installs a post-receive hook script to be run on the repositories managed by gitolite.


class test { file { '/srv/git' : ensure => directory, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } class { 'gitolite' : admin_key_source => 'puppet:///modules/test/username.pub', admin_user => 'testuser', gitconfig_keys => '.*', repo_base => '/srv/git/repositories', repo_umask => '0022', require => File['/srv/git'], }

gitolite::hooks::post_receive { 'example_post_receive' : source => 'puppet:///modules/test/example_post_receive.sh', } }