TTT Assignment

  1. On first load, only has a Submit button
  2. On clicking on Submit, it will fetch the contents of
  3. Parse the content and find the frequency of occurrence of each word (some words will occur only once, some twice and so on, and some will occur N times) \
  4. Then on the frontend, plot a histogram of the 20 most occurring words.


  1. src/App.js has Header and Footer components that are stored in src/components directory. Between header and Footer, it contains router with Two routes. Route '/' Takes you to Homepage. Route '/data' takes you to Histogram.
  2. src/pages/Home has Home.js and Home.css files. -> This file has a submit button. When submit button is pressed, an axios request is sent to
    -> the data received is passed to a function known as filterArray which takes a string, removes " ", "\n", "\t", "." from the string and finally makes an array
    -> It is passed to a filter function to remove empty words. -> After these steps, a filtered array is set in a state called "wordArray"

-> An independent useEffect which has wordArray in dependency array is there -> It takes the wordArray, puts it in a map -> Map is then sorted and Top 20 values are taken out in two seperate arrays histogramDataRows, histogramDataColumns -> These two arrays are passed down to /data page as state

  1. src/pages/Data has Data.js and Data.css This page contains the Histogram. Data for histogram is taken out from location state. 'react-chart-histogram' library shows the Histogram. Link to Histogram Library -

Packages Used

  1. react-chart-histogram for Histogram
  2. axios For sending request
  3. react-router-dom for Routing

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.