
Board game for teaching and learning Kanban. Includes complete printable game kit and facilitator's guidance.


Board game for teaching and learning Kanban. Includes complete printable game kit and facilitator's resources.


getKanban version 2 is a fun and effective tool for teaching and learning (just for starters):

  • the mechanics of Kanban
  • the importance of cross-functional teams
  • limiting work in process (WIP) to create a "pull" system
  • attacking queues
  • promoting the flow of value

You can find the canonical and latest versions of getKanban at getkanban.com, including the original free version 2 download. We didn't create the original, although some Northwest Cadence folks have helped with playtesting various versions of it.

Over the years, our team has facilitated getKanban game sessions for clients around the world—our trusty laminated reusable kits have been played by teams in all over the USA, Europe, and Asia. Along the way, we've learned what works well and what to adjust to make our training sessions the most effective. We continue to use version 2 because it scales: it's free, so we can make as many disposable or reusable kits as we need; it's portable; and our clients can print their own kits to play after we've gone home.


Recently, I presented some of our learnings at Agile Games 2015 and Agile2015 conferences, and this GitHub project is designed to be a one-stop resource for attendees to go forth and play on their (your) own.

You can view the Agile2015 session slides on SlideShare.


This project contains the complete original getKanban version 2 game kit along with our new supplemental facilitator's guide and accompanying slides. Everything you need is right here!

this version differences from original version
Facilitator's guide New content, including optional rules changes
Facilitator's slides New content, companion to facilitator's guide
Game board (original) Same
Game board (modified) Sized to better fit a single A3/11x17" sheet of paper
Event & story cards Same (print at 90% if using modified board)
Sheets Same
Blocked sticky Reformatted to print multiple stickies on one sheet
Ready column header New content (sold in original hard kit but not included in their download)


I'm @bsktcase on Twitter—please share your in-game action photos and any other questions or comments!