This repository contains source codes and training set for the following paper:
"Foreground Segmentation Using a Triplet Convolutional Neural Network for Multiscale Feature Encoding" by Long Ang LIM and Hacer YALIM KELES
Paper Link :
If you find FgSegNet useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Foreground Segmentation Using a Triplet Convolutional Neural Network for Multiscale Feature Encoding},
author={Lim, Long Ang and Keles, Hacer Yalim},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.02225},
This work was implemented with the following frameworks:
- Python 3.6.3
- Keras 2.0.6
- Tensorflow-gpu 1.1.0
Easy to train! Just a SINGLE click, gooo!!!
Clone this repo:
git clone
Modify the following files in
your installed dir
with the files inutils dir
:<Your Keras DIR>\layers\
<Your Keras DIR>\backend\
<Your Keras DIR>\keras\
<Your Keras DIR>\
<Your PYTHON 3.6>\site-packages\skimage\transform\
out_rows = math.ceil(rows / float(downscale))
out_cols = math.ceil(cols / float(downscale))
out_rows = math.floor(rows / float(downscale))
out_cols = math.floor(cols / float(downscale))
Download VGG16 weights from HERE and place it in appropriate directory (e.g. FgSegNet dir), or it will be downloaded and stored in /.keras/models/ automatically.
Download our train+val frames from HRER and CDnet2014 dataset, then place them into corresponding directory.
FgSegNet/ FgSegNet/ / FgSegNet_dataset2014/ baseline/ highway50 highway200 pedestrians50 pedestrians200 ... badWeather/ skating50 skating200 ... ... CDnet2014_dataset/ baseline/ highway pedestrians ... badWeather/ skating ... ...
Go to terminal (or command prompt), then change dir path to python codes and train by running the following commands.
>cd FgSegNet
>cd FgSegNet
We perform two separated evaluations and report our results on two test splits (test dev
& test challenge
- We compute our results locally. (on
test dev
dataset) - We upload our results to Change Detection 2014 Challenge. (on
test challenge
dataset where ground truth values are not shared with the public dataset)
(Both results are reported in our paper. Please refer to it for details)
Compute metrics locally using CDnet Utilities
test dev
: by considering only the range of the frames that contain the ground truth labels by excluding training frames (50 or 200 frames)test challenge
: dataset on the server side (
We split 20% for training (denoted by n frames, where n ∈ [2−148]) and 80% for testing.
We perform two sets of experiment: first, we split the frames 20% for training (denoted by n frames, where n ∈ [3 − 23]) and 80% for testing, second we split 50% for training (where n ∈ [7 − 56]) and remaining 50% for testing.
The table below shows the overall results across 11 categories obtained from Change Detection 2014 Challenge.
Methods | PWC | F-Measure | Speed (320x240, batch-size=1) on NVIDIA GTX 970 GPU |
FgSegNet_M | 0.0559 | 0.9770 | 18fps |
FgSegNet_S | 0.0461 | 0.9804 | 21fps |
The table below shows the overall test results across 14 video sequences.
Methods | PWC | F-Measure |
FgSegNet_M | 0.9431 | 0.9794 |
FgSegNet_S | 0.8524 | 0.9831 |
- add FgSegNet_S (FPM module) source code
- add more results and training frames of other datasets
- add quantity results on (CDnet 2014 dataset)
- add supporting codes
- add jupyter notebook and model for test prediction.
- add FgSegNet_M (a triplet network) source code and training frames
lim.longang at
Any issues/discussions are welcome.