
Plugin for configuring Route53 record for an Elasticsearch node

Primary LanguageJava


This is an Elasticsearch plugin which registers the cluster in Route53 after reading hosted zone info from the ES properties.

Shortcut to installing Route53Plugin

On Elasticsearch 0.90:

TODO change README accordingly

$ bin/plugin -url https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/downloads.9apps.net/elasticsearch-Route53Plugin-0.90.0.zip -install Route53Plugin

On Elasticsearch 1.0:

$ bin/plugin -url https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/downloads.9apps.net/elasticsearch-Route53Plugin-1.0.1.zip -install Route53Plugin

Generating the installable plugin

To generate the plugin for installation you need to use maven:

$ mvn clean package

which generates a file such as target/release/elasticsearch-Route53Plugin-0.90.0.zip.

Installing the plugin

Install it from the Elasticsearch installation directory, by running (change the location of your file):

$ bin/plugin -url file:/home/flavia/elasticsearch-Route53Plugin-0.90.0.zip -install Route53Plugin

To uninstall it you can run:

$ bin/plugin -remove Route53Plugin

Configuring the plugin

The plugin has some options that you can configure in the elasticsearch.yml:

  • route53.registration.enabled: To enable or disable the plugin itself. True by default.
  • route53.aws.access_key and route53.aws.secret_key (or access_key_id and secret_access_key): AWS credentials of the account where the hosted zone is registered. No default values. If using IAM, it should have at least permission to change record sets in Route53.
  • route53.hosted_zone and route53.hosted_zone_id: The hosted zone name and id where you want to register your cluster. The name assigned will be ..


We use Eclipse with the m2 plugin for development.