
This project will contain multiple smaller indepent app projects. The purpose is to act a both a targeted project for mastering and learning different concepts from data structures and algorithims to design patterns in Swift. This was in part inspired by a video made by Jonathan Rasmusson and check out the repo here

This Project is also guide by other videos posted about topics to know about before going into a Swift Coding Interview by Scot Julian

Junior iOS Developers: What you should know going into your first interview.

  1. DRY
  2. SOLID Principles
  3. MVC & MVVM & POO
  4. UITableView & deque and prepareForUse
  5. URLSession & cancel tasks as well as Codable

Junior iOS Developers: What you should know. Part 2

  1. Don't force unwrap optionals use if let or guard let
  2. Programmatic AutoLayout
  3. Notification Center
  4. Git

These are follow-up by videos from the CodeWithChris channel.

Technical Skills You Need to Get Hired as an iOS Developer

  • Debugging:
  1. Stepping through code and inspecting variables to isolate bugs
  2. Better print debugging with Xcode breakpoints


Helpful link working with collections Linq Like Swift

Data Structures


Swift Algorithim Repo Examples

Design Patterns & Architectural Patterns

Design Patterns

Architectural Patterns

Model View ViewModel

The Composable Architecture

Videos On The Composable Architecture

  1. Intro The Composable Architecture - Zach Eriksen
  2. The basics of The Composable Architecture

    Artciles On The Composable Architecture

    1. Building Better iOS Apps with Swift Composable Architecture

View Intent Model