Namaste, Ridam is here! 🙏 🇮🇳

Few things about Me: 😎

  • 🤓 Familiar with C/C++, Java, AngularJS, Python, MATLAB, SQL, Django, Machine Learning Algorithms, Rasa, Dialogflow.
  • 👯 I’m always eager to collaborate on some projects on the domain of Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision.
  • 💬 Ask me about Football, F1, World War History and random Trivia other than the above geeky stuffs.
  • 😌 Motto: You can do anything in your life, you just have to make believe that you can do everything in your life!
  • ⚡ Random fact that nobody asked for: Pineapple works as a natural meat tenderizer. So next time you dine out at BBQ Nation, don't avoid the Pineapples.

GitHub Streak

Competitive Programming Profiles:

LeetCode: rhazra0602 CodeChef: rhazra-003 CodeForces: rhazra0602

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