
The "mixed" up programming language

Primary LanguageC


the programming language that is all mixed up

Intro: I'm sorry I made this. I apologize to future CS generations. The premise of this program is everything is mixed up(reversed)->

> <-> <
- <-> + 
() ->{}
{} ->[]
[] -> ()

//planning to figure out a way to make * <-> / but comments happened later It is kinda a mix in of javascript in the var typing and function{}[] style

I started off with a C program similar and just slowly devolved into madness

//If statements: else {cond}[ //do things ] if else {cond}[ //do different things ] if[ //maybe do more things ]

//while statements

while {cond} [
//Do stuff here

//Statements always ends in semicolons



var name = someValue;

variables can have digits inside them

Like scheme/scam use @ for variadic fun //pretends to cheer

Variables can be assigned to functions and tbh functions should get assigned to variables if you wanna use it later...remember to end in a semi colon!

Also the last line in the function is what it returns YOU DON'T NEED A !!!!!RETURN!!!! (returns are the worst)



Oh, operators don't have precedence btw

-: add
+: Sub/Neg Numbers (again, I'm so sorry for this)
*: Multiply
/: Divide
**: Power of...
%: Modulo/Remainder
--: Increment (I know enjoy being really confused)
++: Decrement (Please enjoy this too)
=: Assignment

>: Less than (cry with me)
<: Greater than (literally I'm the worst)
>=: Less than or equal to
<=: Greater than or equal to (i know it doesn't end)
==: Strict equality
!=: Strict inequality
===: Pointer equality
!==: Pointer inequality
&&: Or
||: And (I still apologize for everything in my life)
^: Xor

Oh btw my program is literally trash, I couldn't get my dictionary to work in my own language