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Given three numbers, add them digit by digit and return the sum. Complete the function addDigitByDigit() that accepts 3 integers and returns the sum , added digit by digit.
Add Two Numbers - The task is very simple: given two integers A and B, write a program to add these two numbers and output it.
In this respository, I will share the code which will show a basic understanding of how to input an array in java.
In this I will create a program with Data carrier class concept having operations like deposit withdraw.
In this project, I have used the concept of billing that McDonald's uses. The code will be a Java programme using almost all the OOP's concepts to help understanding OOP's in Java more precisely.
In this project, I have used the concept of billing that McDonald's uses. The code will be a Java programme using almost all the OOP's concepts to help understanding OOP's in Java more precisely.
This project will have 2 classes Date & Student class. The Student class will have Date class objects in it for specific purpose, the main function will be in the Student class itself. The purpose of this project is to get user desired input and print the age and a " HAPPY BIRTHDAY " message for the person.
Write a program to find the 2nd maximum element in an array.
rhea0110's Repositories
Add Two Numbers - The task is very simple: given two integers A and B, write a program to add these two numbers and output it.
In this respository, I will share the code which will show a basic understanding of how to input an array in java.
In this I will create a program with Data carrier class concept having operations like deposit withdraw.
This project will have 2 classes Date & Student class. The Student class will have Date class objects in it for specific purpose, the main function will be in the Student class itself. The purpose of this project is to get user desired input and print the age and a " HAPPY BIRTHDAY " message for the person.
This program will have 3 classes namely - Date, Book, Author & a Main class. The Author class will have 2 constraints - Author Id and Name, Book class will have 3 constraints - Book Name, ID, price. Here if the book exists the program will return all the details of the book also if book is published from 2010 to 2021 then additional 25% discount will be applied in purchasing of the book.
This project is the Data Carier Class Implementation of my previous project Book Details and Price Calculator.
Amit wants to buy some toys for his sister. He has X rupees in his pocket. But he is confused to buy which toy and seeking your help. Given an array consisting of cost of toys. Find the maximum number of toys he can buy with the amount X. Note: He can buy only 1 quantity of a particular toy.
Check balanced parentheses in an expression star_border Given an expression only containing upper-case alphabets: A-Z, operators: /, * , +, - and characters: (,),{,},[,] used to mark start and end of parentheses, validate whether the parentheses are balanced or not.
Convert infix expression to postfix expression star_border Given an infix expression, convert the infix to postfix expression.
Given an array, lengths, of N stick lengths (where each length is a positive integer), a cut operation reduces the length of each stick in the array by the length of the array's shortest stick. A stick can only be cut if it has a length ≥ 1. Complete the cutSticks() function. Your function must perform cut operations on lengths until every stick length is reduced to 0 and return an integer array, where ith element of the array denotes the individual sticks cut during the ith operation. Your function must return an integer array or list, where ith element of the array denotes the individual sticks cut during the ith operation.
Evaluate the postfix expression using Stack star_border Given a postfix expression, evaluate it using stack and print the final output.
Write a program to find the remainder when an integer A is divided by an integer B.
Write a function moveElements which receives an array of n elements (both positive and negative) as input and shift all the negative elements to the right side of the array while maintaining the original order of the positive and negative elements. Note: consider 0 as a positive element. Suppose the array contains the following values: -6 7 13 10 -8 15 5 -9 2 -1 After a call to moveElements(arr, n); the array should store the following values: 7 13 10 15 5 2 -6 -8 -9 -1
An Open source tool for managing software building. Your runway for building the next big thing on the Internet.
A very basic webpack setup for React - Typescript and Tailwind
Write a function removeDuplicates() which receives a array as input and remove the duplicate elements from the array. After the function call, the array will contain a set of unique elements..
Reverse a string using stack star_border Given a string, the task is to reverse the string using stack data structure. Complete the function reverseString() that accepts the string, and reverses the string.
Reverse first N elements of a given queue star Given a queue of integer elements and an integer k, your task is to reverse first k elements of the queue, leaving the other elements in same order.
Given an array containing only 0s, 1s and 2s. Sort the array in O(n) time i.e. process the array only once to do this sorting.
Sum of Digits - You're given an integer N. Write a program to calculate the sum of all the digits of N.
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter packed with useful development features
Creating a project which will have a Data Carrier Class(DCC) and Business Logic Implementation class will have methods like Sign UP, sign IN, ForgetPassword, UpdatePassword.
Template for React + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript projects