
✨ Square Shape Maker ✨ A simple playground to change the rotation and perspective of a square.

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Overview

The Square Shape Playground application is a Vue.js application, which allows you to change the rotation and perspective of a Square. This is developed using Vue.js and CSS.


The original applicaton was inspired by a tutorial within the Complete Vue Mastery 2022 course.

Repository Checklist

  • Upload Code
  • Format Code
  • Update Repository
  • Update README
  • Create Future Ideas
  • Write Application Setup / Commands
  • Launch Website
  • Create Card on Portfolio
  • Create Page on Portfolio
  • Archive Repository


Application Setup / Commands

  1. Simply open index.html in a browser and you should be able to view the project locally.

If you have any questions or can suggest any improvements, please let me know!