
This documentation details the analysis of how the vaccine type and distribution impact the number of Covid-19 cases per state?

The data used will be official CDC Vaccination Data which will include state, doses administered by vaccine brand, doses administered by age, and if a full series was delievered. The New York Times official database is regulary updated with information of the number of cases and the number of deaths per state. UDSA Population data from 2020 will also be used in order to compare the covid data with state population.

The official raw data can be found here:

CDC Vaccination Data:

  • The adjusted csv file that was used for analysis can be found in this github under covid_vac.csv.

NYT Database:

USDA Population:

  • The adjusted csv file that was used for analysis can be found in this github under pop.csv.

Packages Used:

This code was done using R programming language and Python3. The necessary libraries and installation instructions will be found in the project files. Some steps may need to be adjusted based on the individual's operating system.