
A central repository for all proto files of PokémonGO.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

POGOProtos Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

This repository contains the ProtoBuf .proto files needed to decode the PokémonGo RPC.

If you want to know which messages are implemented right now, click here.


If you want to figure out the current version in an automated system, use this file.


Note: This file will contain pre-release versions too.


Current recommended protoc version: "Protocol Buffers v3.5.1".

You can find download links here.


Be sure to add protoc to your environmental path.


Ensure that you have the newest version of protoc installed.


Use homebrew to install protobuf with brew install --devel protobuf.


The compilation creates output specifically for the target language, i.e. respecting naming conventions, etc.
This is an example of how the generated code will be organized:

python compile.py cpp:
 - POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.proto -> POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.pb.cpp
python compile.py csharp:
 - POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.proto -> POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.g.cs
python compile.py go:
- POGOProtos/Data/*.proto -> github.com/aeonlucid/pogoprotos/data
- POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.proto -> github.com/aeonlucid/pogoprotos/data/player_data.pb.go
python compile.py java:
 - POGOProtos/Data/*.proto -> com/github/aeonlucid/pogoprotos/Data.java
python compile.py js:
- POGOProtos/**/*.proto -> pogoprotos.js
python compile.py objc:
 - POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.proto -> POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.pbobjc.m
python compile.py python:
 - POGOProtos/Data/*.proto -> pogoprotos/data/__init__.py
 - POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.proto -> pogoprotos/data/player_data_pb2.py
python compile.py ruby:
 - POGOProtos/Data/*.proto -> pogoprotos/data.rb
 - POGOProtos/Data/PlayerData.proto -> pogoprotos/data/player_data.rb

Extra information


If you don't want to compile POGOProtos but instead use it directly, check out the following repository.

Language Source
NodeJS https://github.com/pogosandbox/pogobuf
NodeJS (pure JS) https://github.com/pogosandbox/node-pogo-protos
.NET (nuget pack) https://www.nuget.org/packages/POGOProtos.Core
.NET (nuget source) https://github.com/Furtif/POGOProtos.Core
.NET (csproj source) https://github.com/TheUnnamedOrganisation/POGOProtos
PHP https://github.com/jaspervdm/pogoprotos-php
Go https://github.com/pkmngo-odi/pogo-protos
Haskell https://github.com/relrod/pokemon-go-protobuf-types
Rust https://github.com/rockneurotiko/pokemon-go-protobuf-rs


We are following semantic versioning for POGOProtos. Every version will be mapped to their current PokémonGo version.

Version Android iOS Extra
2.27.0 0.105.0 1.75.0
2.26.0 0.101.1 1.71.1
2.25.0 0.99.2 1.69.2
2.24.0 0.97.2 1.67.2
2.23.1 0.95.3 1.65.3 Updated protobuf to 3.5.1
2.23.0 0.95.3 1.65.3
2.22.0 0.91.1 1.59.1
2.21.0 0.87.5 1.57.5
2.20.0 0.85.1 1.55.1
2.19.2 0.83.2 1.53.2 Updated protobuf to 3.5.0
2.19.1 0.83.2 1.53.2
2.18.2 0.79.4 1.49.4
2.18.1 0.79.3 1.49.3
2.18.0 0.79.2 1.49.2
2.17.0 0.77.1 1.47.1
2.16.0 0.75.0 1.45.0
2.15.0 0.73.1 1.43.1 Updated protobuf to 3.4.0
2.14.0 0.71.0 1.41.0
2.13.0 0.69.1 1.39.1
2.12.0 0.69.0 1.39.0
2.11.0 0.67.2 1.37.2
2.11.0-beta 0.67.1 1.37.1
2.10.x 0.63.1 1.33.1
2.9.2 0.61.0 1.31.0 Updated protobuf to 3.3.0
2.9.1 0.61.0 1.31.0 Updated protobuf to 3.2.0
2.9.0 0.61.0 1.31.0
2.8.0 0.59.1 1.29.1
2.7.0 0.57.2 1.27.2
2.6.x 0.55.0 1.25.0
2.5.x 0.53.1 1.23.1
2.4.x 0.51.0 1.21.0
2.3.0 0.49.1 1.19.1
2.2.0 0.47.1 1.17.0
2.1.0 0.45.0 1.15.0
2.1.0-beta 0.45.0 1.15.0
2.0.x 0.43.4 1.13.4