
Yet Another MOS 6502 Emulator - Per-cycle emulation of the 6502 microprocessor

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another MOS 6502 Emulator

A per-cycle emulation of the NMOS 6502 microprocessor, complete with undocumented instruction support and verified against Visual6502 and perfect6502.


There are a lot of 6502 emulators out there, most of which emulate 6502 instructions and not 6502 cycles. YAM6502 is different and emulates cycles instead of instructions. This design has the advantage that it can be relatively simple to create an accurate emulation of a system powered by a 6502 processor when it is emulated at the cycle level. When instructions are emulated as discrete units instead, more work may need to be done to take into account events that occur during the middle of an instruction's execution.

The drawback is that per-cycle emulation will always be slower than per-instruction emulation. However, modern systems are thousands of times faster than any production 6502 system, so this should not pose too much of a problem.


For a while, YouTube kept recommending javidx9 (aka One Lone Coder)'s NES emulation series of videos to me. Before long, I decided to start watching them, and he made emulation look accessible, so here's my 6502 emulator as a result. Eventually, I would like to use it in an Apple II emulator, since that family of computers (at least without any add-in cards) is quite simple and I used them extensively in elementary school, but for now it's just a stand-alone CPU emulator.


YAM6502 consists of a single source file and a single header file (yam6502.cpp and yam6502.h) that are intended to be added to any project that uses it. Although the CMakeLists.txt here generates a static library out of it, that is not necessary and is done only to assist with sharing it across the multiple binaries included here.

Basic example

See example/helloworld.cpp for a full example. This is a minimal usage example to provide an idea of what it looks like to use this. Full documentation follows the example.

struct RAMBus {
    uint8_t ReadAddr(uint16_t addr) const { return Memory[addr]; }
    void WriteAddr(uint16_t addr, uint8_t val) { Memory[addr] = val; }
    uint8_t &operator[](uint16_t addr) { return Memory[addr]; }

    std::array<uint8_t, 65536> Memory = { 0 };

RAMBus bus;
yam::M6502<RAMBus *> cpu{&bus};

// Copy some program data from 'program' to the 6502 memory at address
// $200, where 'program' is an array-like object defined elsewhere.
std::copy(std::begin(program), std::end(program), &bus[0x200]);

// Set the Program Counter to $200.

// Presumably you would check for a termination condition, but this is
// just a simple example.
while(true) {
    // Delay if desired

The 6502 emulator class

template<typename bustype, int trap_code=-1> class yam::M6502;

To use the CPU emulator, you instantiate a class of type yam::M6502. It has one required template parameter, which describes a "bus" object that it uses to communicate with your code. This parameter must have pointer semantics. The second template parameter is optional and describes an opcode which, if encountered, will trigger a trap handler in the bus.

Member functions

  • explicit M6502(bustype bus) : Bus(bus) (constructor)

    bus is a pointer to the bus object, described in more detail below. It must be valid for the life of this M6502 instance.

  • void Tick()

    Executes one cycle.

  • void Reset()

    Initializes some internal state and begins the processor's reset sequence. You must call Tick() to actually execute the reset sequence, which takes seven cycles, just like on a real 6502.

  • std::string DisasmOp(uint16_t addr, bool full_line)

    Disassemble the instruction at addr. If full_line is false, then only the instruction mnemonic and its operand is output. Otherwise, an entire line, formatted similar to the Apple II monitor is produced.

    The full line format is as follows:


    Here, the AAAA field is the 16-bit address of the instruction. XX, YY, and ZZ are the one to three bytes of the instruction. XX is always present, as it is the instruction opcode. YY and ZZ are only included if the instruction uses them and are filled with spaces if not. OPC is the mnemonic for the instruction. OPERAND is the instruction's operand, if used, and is written in the standard format for 6502 assembly. OFS is only included for branch instructions and is the branch offset, in decimal. All other numbers are in hexadecimal.

    As an example, here is one line produced by the included helloworld.cpp, which shows off all the fields (except for ZZ):

    0604-   F0 05       BEQ   $060B   [+5]
  • std::string DisasmStep(uint16_t &addr, bool full_line)

    This is like DisasmOp above, but addr is passed as a reference and will be advanced to the location of the following instruction upon return. Thus, disassembling a block of code can easily be done in a loop by calling DisasmStep() repeatedly. e.g.:

    while (addr < stopaddr) {
        std::cout << cpu.DisasmStep(addr, true);

Accessing registers

The processor registers are protected behind getter/setter pairs.

  • uint8_t getA() const — Set the value of the Accumulator
    void setA(uint8_t val) — Get the value of the Accumulator

  • uint8_t getX() const — Get the value of the X index register
    void setX(uint8_t val) — Set the value of the X index register

  • uint8_t getY() const — Get the value of the Y index register
    void setY(uint8_t val) — Set the value of the Y index register

  • uint8_t getP() const — Get the value of the status register
    void setP(uint8_t val) — Set the value of the status register

  • uint16_t getSP() const — Get the value of the stack pointer
    void setSP(uint16_t val) — Set the value of the stack pointer

    Note that although the stack pointer is only 8-bits wide, these functions use 16-bit values. The stack pointer returned by getSP() will always be in the range 0x100-0x1FF, and the pointer passed to setSP() should be as well.

  • uint16_t getPC() const — Get the value of the program counter
    void setPC(uint16_t val) — Set the value of the program counter

    Note that if the processor is in the middle of executing an instruction when setPC() is called, that instruction will be terminated and the next cycle will begin executing the instruction at the new program counter.

Processor flag definitions

For convenience, the bit values of the different processor flags are defined in the yam::flag namespace:

  • yam::flag::C = 0x01 — The carry flag
  • yam::flag::Z = 0x02 — The zero flag
  • yam::flag::I = 0x04 — The interrupt disable bit
  • yam::flag::D = 0x08 — The decimal mode bit
  • yam::flag::B = 0x10 — The break bit
  • yam::flag::RESERVED = 0x20 — The reserved bit
  • yam::flag::V = 0x40 — The overflow flag
  • yam::flag::N = 0x80 — The negative flag

These can be tested directly against the processor status flag, e.g.:

if (cpu.getP() & yam::flag::Z) {
    // The last operation produced a zero value

The bus class

The bus is a user-defined class that yam::M6502 uses to communicate with the rest of the system. It encompasses the address bus, data bus, signalling pins, and some utility functions. Only two functions are required, while the rest are all optional. C++20 concepts are used so that if you don't implement a particular optional bus feature, then no code will be generated for it in the emulator.

Required functions

The two required functions are used to read and write to the bus. The 6502 always does one or the other each cycle. Typically, a 6502 system's address space is some combination of RAM and memory-mapped I/O, possibly with some bank switching scheme as well. For this reason, yam::M6502 makes no assumptions about the memory layout and lets the bus object handle it.

  • uint8_t ReadAddr(uint16_t addr)

    Return the byte at addr.

  • void WriteAddr(uint16_t addr, uint8_t val)

    Write the byte val to memory mapped at addr.

  • Trap(yam::M6502<> &cpu, uint16_t opcode_addr)
    (if trap opcode is defined)

    If you specified a trap opcode when creating this CPU, then this function is required and will be called whenever that opcode is fetched. It is passed a reference to this CPU instance and the address of the opcode.

    If the handler returns false, then this opcode will execute as normally. If the handler returns true, then it handled the opcode instead and the next cycle will read the instruction at PC. If Trap() does not call setPC() to change the PC, then this will be the byte after opcode_addr.

Optional functions

In addition to the required functions above, there are a number of optional functions that can be used to further interact with the CPU emulation. For the input pins connected to the processor, a false value represents logic level low, and a true value represents logic level high.

  • bool GetRDY()

    Get the status of the RDY line. If this function is not provided, the RDY line is assumed to always be high.

    At present, RDY is only implemented for the undefined opcodes that change their behavior depending on its state and does not actually enable/disable instruction execution.

  • bool GetIRQB()

    Get the status of the IRQ line. If this function is not provided, the IRQ line is assumed to always be high.

  • bool GetNMIB()

    Get the status of the NMI line. If this function is not provided, the NMI line is assumed to always be high.

  • uint8_t ReadNoSideEffects(uint16_t addr)

    This function is called by the disassembler to read memory. If not present, the disassembler will call ReadAddr() instead.

    If your memory map includes I/O space that triggers actions upon a read access and you might end up disassembling that address space, you probably want to include this function so that disassembling doesn't change the state of the emulated system.

  • void SyncHandler(yam::M6502<> &cpu, uint16_t opcode_addr)

    Passed a reference to this CPU and the address about to be read for an instruction fetch. This serves as an alternative to full SYNC pin emulation, since only the cycle when it is high is likely to be of interest, and that is the cycle when SyncHandler() is called.

  • bool BreakHandler(yam::M6502<> &cpu, uint16_t opcode_addr)

    Called at the beginning of the cycle immediately following the one when a BRK instruction was read. The handler is passed a reference to this CPU and the address of the BRK instruction being executed.

    Your handler can either return false to let the break sequence execute as normal, or you can return true to interrupt the sequence and continue execution at the current PC. Note that if you interrupt the sequence, PC will be one byte after BRK and not two like it would if the interrupt was allowed to continue and execution returned here with RTI. This is because the dummy read of the break operand has not yet happened when the handler is called. It is perfectly valid to call setPC() inside a break handler to have execution resume somewhere else.