
sample and plugin browser for a modular LAU

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


surfer/browser for plugins and samples

listen to audio samples in an easily-navigable Qt-based file browser made for the task. when you find what you want, drag&drop it into your preferred environment.

works with carla, drumkv1, ardour and any other app that supports drag-and-drop

plugin browsing (ladspa,dssi,lv2,vst) to come hopefully. lv2 browsing sort of works! it can be used with my little ingen helper app ingen.place to put stuff in an ingen engine


python3, numpy, pyqt4, ffmpeg/avconv, sox, yaml, lilv


  • use arrow keys or jkl; (vi-style) to navigate
  • tab switches between plugins/files
  • forward slash focuses the input box (escape unfocuses it)
    • typing a forward slash into the input box lets it know that you're going to enter another path
    • otherwise a local, case-insensitive awk search is performed in the current directory (I'm not sure how useful this will be but it was fun to figure out how to do)
  • view recently used samples (i.e. samples that were dragged out) by selecting Recent from the input box dropdown menu
  • space/enter triggers playback
  • checkbox disables/enables auditioning
  • the config file is in $HOME/.config/surplus/config
  • add/remove favorite places to the dropdown filepath menu by clicking the +/- button
  • drag and drop plugins into ingen.place to add them to a graph
  • search for plugins by name, category or author



  • make a proper install script
  • config file
    • plugin paths
  • more shortcuts
    • settings dialog alt+P (just open up a default text editor for the config file)
    • add keybinding for recently used
    • delete recently used with delete key (confirmation dialogue)
    • open current dir in default browser
  • sample tagging/smart sample searching
  • InputWidget improvements (probably gonna have to implement a custom widget for this)
    • shortcut to expand dropdown menu
    • tab completion
    • breadcrumbs-style clickable interaction (like nautilus)
    • searching searches both the cwd and plugins
  • show carla and ingen presets (both in the filebrowser and in a treeview under each plugin)
  • add ingen presets to plugin viewer
  • project search for plugins (doesn't look like the python lilv bindings are up for it yet...)


  • touch interaction


  • figure out how to get information from ladspa,lv2,vst


  • folders have to be doubleclicked
  • if you use the arrow keys down to a file and then click it, it doesn't trigger the first time
  • when you follow a symbolic link and go back it takes you to back through the original path
  • j is treated differently from left arrow for some reason
  • peak files are big


it'd be cool if eventually it is extended to utilize keyboard shortcuts to send samples to other LAU programs or something.