
Python application logging and collection framework

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC

Ziggy - A python application logging framework

Ziggy is a python based logging and data collection framework. The problem it attempts to solve is one where you have multiple python processes across multiple hosts processing some sort of requests. You generally want to collect:

  • Performance data (counters, timers, etc)
  • User activity
  • Errors (and debugging data)

Use ziggy to record that data, aggregate it to a central logging server where it can be written to disk.

In addition, it's often useful to be able to plug reporting scripts into the logging server so as to generate live stats and reports or do ad hoc analysis.

Ziggy's collection functionality is fairly advanced allowing heirarchies of collectors and queuing in the event of failure. For example, it's recommend to run an instance of ziggyd on each host, and then configure each of those collectors to forward log events to a central collector on a dedicated log machine.


Ziggy requires Python 2.7, ZeroMQ and BSON.

The full python library requirements are given requirements.txt and is designed to be used with virtualenv.

Tornado is not required for operation of ziggy, but development and running tests will likely require it.

I expect debian packaging will be developed soon.

Application Integration

Applications emit ziggy events by using a context manager and globally accessible ziggy functions.

Events have a type, which indicates what will be ultimately logged together.

Events also have an id that can be used to tie them together with other related events.

For example, in a web application, an application might choose the use ziggy as follows:

def handle(request):
    with ziggy.Context('request'):
        ziggy.set('user_agent', self.headers['UserAgent'])

        with ziggy.timeit('request_time'):

        ziggy.set('response.status', self.response.status)
        ziggy.set('response.size', len(self.response.body))

The above sample would generate one event that contains all the details about a specific request.

Contexts can be heirarchical. This means you can generate sub-events that are related to the parent event and can be joined together in post-processing by the common id they share. Indicate you want this behavior for your context by naming with a prefixing '.'.

For example, inside some application code (in do_stuff() above), you might execute some sql queries.

def execute(cursor, query, args):
    with ziggy.Context('.sql'):
        ziggy.set('query', query)
        with ziggy.timeit('query_time'):
            res = cursor.execute(query, args)
        ziggy.set('row_count', len(res))
    return res

Each SQL query would then be logged as a seperate event. However, each event will have the unique id provided by the parent request context. The name of the context will become request.sql.

You can provide you're own id or allow ziggy to autogenerate one for the top-level context.

Ziggy also provides the ability to do sampling. This means only a set percentage of generate events will actually be logged. You can choose sampling based on any level of the context:

with ziggy.Context('.memcache', sample=('..', 0.25)):
    ziggy.set('key', key)
    client.set(key, value)

In the above example, only 25% of requests will include the memcache data. If the sample argument where ('memcache', 0.25) then 25% of all memcache events would be logged.


If ziggy has not been explicitly configured, all the calls to ziggy will essentially be no-ops. This is rather useful in testing contexts so as to not generate a bunch of bogus data.

For production use, you'll need to set the collection host and port:

ziggy.configure("", 3514)

Logging module integration

Ziggy comes with a log handler that can be added to your logging module setup for easy integration into existing logging setups.

For example:

handler = ziggy.LogHandler()

By default, all log event will show up as a sub-event .log but this can be configured by passing a type_name to the LogHandler

Tornado Integration

Ziggy comes out of the box with support for Tornado web server. This is particularly challenging since one of the goals for ziggy is to, like the logging module, have globally accessible contexts so you don't have to pass anything around to have access to all the heirarchical goodness.

Since you'll likely want to have a context per web request, it's difficult o work around tornado's async machinery to make that work well. Fear not, batteries included: ziggy.tornado_utils

The most straightfoward way to integrate ziggy into a tornado application requires two things:

  1. Allow ziggy to monkey patch async tooling (tornado.gen primarily)
  2. Use or re-implement the provided base request handler ziggy.tornado_utils.SampleRequestHandler

To install the monkey patching, add the line:


This must be executed BEFORE any of your RequestHandlers are imported.

This is required if you are using @web.asynchronous and @gen.engine. If you are manually managing callbacks (which you probably shouldn't be), you'll need manually recall the ziggy context with self.ziggy.start()

See tests/tornado_app.py for an example of all this.

If you have your own base request handlers you'll likely want to reimplement based on the one provided rather than trying to use inheritance. This will also make it really clear what you are including in your top-level event and allow you to name it whatever you want.

Event Collection

Events are collected by a ziggy daemon (ziggyd) and can be configured in a variety of topologies.

It's recommended that you run a ziggy daemon on each host, and then a master ziggy daemon that collects all the streams together for logging. In this configuration, failure of the centralized collector would not result in any data loss as the local instances would just queue up their events.

So on your local machine, you'd run:

ziggyd --forward=master:3514

And on the master collection machine, you'd run:

ziggyd --collect="*:3514" --log-path=/var/log/ziggy/

Logs are stored in BSON format, so you'll need some tooling for doing log analysis. This is easily done with the tool ziggyview.

For example:

cat /var/log/ziggy/request.120310.bson | ziggyview

ziggyview --log-path=/var/log/ziggy --type-name="request" --start-date=20120313 --end-date=20120315

Where request is the channel you want to examine.

You can also connect to ziggyd and get a live streaming of log data:

ziggyview -H localhost:3513 --type-name="request*"

Note the use of '*' to indicate a prefix query for the type filter. This will return all events with a type that begins with 'request'

A Note About Ports

There are several types of network ports in use with Ziggy:

  1. Control Port (default
  2. Collection Port (default
  3. Streaming Port (no default, randomonly assigned)

Both the Control and Collection ports are configurable from the command line.

When configuring forwarding between ziggyd instances, you'll want to always use the collection port.

When configuring an application to send data to a ziggyd instance, you'll want to use the collection port as well.

For administrative (and ziggyview work) you'll use the control port. The control port (and ziggy administrative interface) can be used to discover all the other ports. The reason the collection port must be configured explicitly for actual logging purposes is to better handle reconnects and failures.


Use the ziggyctl tool to collect useful stats or make other adjustments to a running ziggyd instance.

For example:

ziggyctl status


ziggyctl shutdown


Using the magic of Make, virtualenv and pip, setting up your development environment is a snap:

make dev

This will create a virtualenv in env directory. Running the tests is just a simple:

make test

Or if you are running individual tests, use testify directly:

testify -v tests


  • Failure of the central collector is only recoverable if the ziggyd instance comes back on the same ip address. It would be nice to be able to live reconfigure through ziggyctl to point to a backup collector.
  • Debian packaging would probably be convinient.
  • Need more Real World data on what becomes a bottleneck first: CPU or Network. Adding options for compression would be pretty easy.
  • More examples of what to do with the data would make this project more compelling visually.