
ndigital test

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


this repo contain my answer to ndigital technical assesment for devops engineer.

in this repo i want to demostrate how i use terraform to install nginx with kubernetes provider (default k8s object in terraform), helm provider (to install redis with helm chart with terraform).


  1. set provider : kubernetes and helm.
  2. create namespace to install my apps (ndigital namespace).
  3. setup nginx with default k8s object in terraform.
  4. setup redis cluster with helm chart in terraform.

check the apps:

kubectl get all -n ndigital

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/nginx-76bb4f84d-6n59v 1/1 Running 0 155m pod/nginx-76bb4f84d-fcn2l 1/1 Running 0 155m pod/redis-master-0 2/2 Running 0 154m pod/redis-slave-0 2/2 Running 0 154m pod/redis-slave-1 2/2 Running 0 154m

NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/nginx NodePort 80:30201/TCP 155m service/redis-headless ClusterIP None 6379/TCP 154m service/redis-master ClusterIP 6379/TCP 154m service/redis-metrics ClusterIP 9121/TCP 154m service/redis-slave ClusterIP 6379/TCP 154m

NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/nginx 2/2 2 2 155m

NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/nginx-76bb4f84d 2 2 2 155m

NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/redis-master 1/1 154m statefulset.apps/redis-slave 2/2 154m

  1. setup github action to run tfsec on this repo, tfsec is security checking for infra as code, for example in this repo https://github.com/rhidayat1980/ndigital-test/blob/main/.github/workflows/tfsec.yml

another good example is https://github.com/marketplace/bridgecrew. but its a paid version so i cannot demonstrate on this repo.

  1. I solve this task 5 hours, normaly 1 or 2 hours. i have another task from traveloka.

  2. for provisioning infra, normally i use terraform, but its also depends on the eixsting team and solution, i dont have any problem to follow to use existing tools, puppet, chef, ansible, saltstack its ok for me.

  3. i hate cloudformation hehehe.

  4. to secure my application? its a long answer actually, because security follow the layer, from infra layer to application layer. to secure our product we have to secure all layer by the way!

  5. i have a rule, monitoring is important, dont deploy any service if they dont have monitoring system. for metric i follow 4 golden rule from the SRE book created by google employee, traffict, error, latency and saturation. i like push based monitoring like newrelic, datadog or ELK since its free from networking problem. i just need to install the agent and boom, everything ready to monitor.

  6. Could you extend your solution to launch multiple instances of your app/tools? What would need to change to support this use case? Could you extend your solution to replace a running instance with little or no downtime? How? with kubernetes (k8s) scalling is not a problem anymore, just increase the replicaset number or use HPA (horizontal pod autoiscale) and the problem is gone.

to reduce downtime, we can use deployment strategy inside k8s deployment object or by using blue green, but for the last one need a lot of additional task.

  1. Was it a priority to make your code well structured, extensible, and reusable? yes, this is the first step before moving. the intention are to segregate, group or categorize everything by environment for example dev, staging and production for security and critical level, also to make our live easy as engineer. the next reason for me is to give engineer a confident by provide them a playground to test new thing.

  2. What sacrifices did you make due to time? Any improvement that you would add to make the system production ready? design a good strategy before problem happen in production, normally i use game in my team, the purpose of this game is to increase the skill of my members, make them confident during release or troubleshooting time.

  3. i use local terraform state for this repo, but on real scenario i use terraform backend storage like s3, dynamodb or gcs bucket.

  4. for collaboration i use runatlantis like in traveloka. for more info read this link: https://www.runatlantis.io/