
A very simple GUI for audio quizzes

Primary LanguagePython


To bundle Wheatear for use on a Mac:

  • From the top folder of this repository, run pyinstaller src/wheatear.py
  • This will create a folder dist/wheatear
  • Within dist/wheatear, create a folder of your .wav files called wavs/
  • Copy the wavs/ directory into dist/wheatear
  • Zip up the file

To use the app bundled with the above instructions:

  • Unzip wheatear.zip and open the unzipped folder.
  • Ignore all the strangely named files. Click on the file called "wheatear" to open the user interface. The interface contains two windows: a graphical interface and a console/terminal.
  • The correct answer will appear in the terminal when a song initially starts; you can either choose to peek at the correct answer (to learn) or you can hide the terminal behind the GUI and quiz yourself.
  • Type in the name exactly and press "submit" to guess an answer.

Writing down & committing to a guess, even if your guess is incorrect, has been shown to improve learning.