
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Sample Application project

This project is a sample application designed to demonstrate various development and deployment practices.


  • Dockerize: Containerize the application using Docker to ensure consistency across different environments.
  • docker-compose for local development: Use docker-compose to set up the local development environment, allowing for easy management of multi-container applications.
  • GitHub Actions workflow for CI/CD: Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment using GitHub Actions to automate testing, building, and deployment processes.


This Dockerfile is designed to build and run a sample Python application using a multi-stage build process. The multi-stage build ensures that the final image is small, secure, and contains only the necessary runtime dependencies.


Stage 1: Dependencies

  1. Base Image:

    • Uses python:3.12.5-slim-bullseye as the base image for building dependencies.
    • This image is slim and secure, reducing potential vulnerabilities.
  2. System Dependencies:

    • Installs minimal system dependencies required for setup using apt-get.
    • Cleans up package lists to reduce image size.
  3. Poetry Installation:

    • Installs the Poetry package manager using the official installation script.
    • Sets environment variables for Poetry and Python to disable interaction and prevent creating virtual environments.
  4. Working Directory:

    • Sets the working directory to /app.
  5. Dependency Management Files:

    • Copies pyproject.toml and poetry.toml to the working directory.
    • This allows better caching of dependency layers.
  6. Project Dependencies:

    • Configures Poetry to limit installation workers and installs only the main dependencies, excluding development dependencies.

Stage 2: Runtime Image

  1. Base Image:

    • Uses python:3.12.5-slim-bullseye as the base image for the final runtime.
    • This image is clean and slim, ensuring a minimal runtime environment.
  2. Runtime Dependencies:

    • Installs minimal runtime dependencies using apt-get.
    • Cleans up package lists to reduce image size.
  3. Non-Root User:

    • Creates a non-root user (appuser) for improved security, following the principle of least privilege.
  4. Working Directory:

    • Sets the working directory to /app.
  5. Copy Dependencies:

    • Copies installed dependencies from the builder stage to the runtime image.
    • This keeps the runtime image small and clean.
  6. Copy Application Code:

    • Copies the application source code (main.py, run.sh, .env) to the working directory.

Environment Variables

  • PYTHONFAULTHANDLER=1: Improved error tracing.
  • PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1: Prevents output buffering.
  • PYTHONHASHSEED=random: Randomizes hash seed for security.
  • PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1: Prevents .pyc file generation.


  • Non-root user execution.
  • Minimal image size.
  • Environment variable protection.
  • Read-only file system.
  • Dropped Linux capabilities.

Note: Refer to the comments in the Dockerfile for more details.


This docker-compose.yml file sets up the local development environment for the sample Python application. It defines the services, volumes, and networks required to run the application in a containerized environment.



  • Build Configuration:
    • Context: The build context is set to the current directory (.).
    • Dockerfile: Uses the Dockerfile in the current directory to build the image.
  • Port Mapping:
    • Maps port 3000 on the host to port 3000 in the container.
    • Only accessible from for security.
  • Volumes:
    • Bind Mount: Mounts the current directory to /app in the container.
    • Read-Only: The bind mount is set to read-only for security.
  • Linux Capabilities Management:
    • Drop All Capabilities: Drops all default Linux capabilities.
    • Add Necessary Capability: Adds only the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.
  • Filesystem:
    • Read-Only Root Filesystem: Sets the root filesystem to read-only.
    • Temporary Filesystems: Creates temporary filesystems for tmp and /run.
  • Security Options:
    • No New Privileges: Prevents the container from gaining new privileges.
  • Restart Policy:
    • On-Failure: Restarts the container only on failure, preventing infinite restarts.
  • Logging Configuration:
    • Driver: Uses the json-file logging driver.
    • Options:
      • Max Size: Limits the maximum log file size to 200k.
      • Max File: Limits the maximum number of log files to 3.

Additional Information

  • Environment Variables: Ensure that the necessary environment variables are set in the .env file.
  • Application Code: The application source code should be in the current directory and will be mounted to /app in the container.
  • Security: The configuration follows best practices for security, including running as a non-root user, using a read-only filesystem, and dropping unnecessary Linux capabilities.

docker-compose usage

To build and run the Docker container using Docker Compose, use the following commands:

Building the Container

docker-compose build

Running the Application

docker-compose up

Stopping the Application

docker-compose down

Additional Changes in Application

  • Add python-dotenv library to pyproject.toml to manage environment variables.
  • Import python-dotenv in main.py to load environment variables from a .env file.
  • Modify run.sh script as necessary to ensure the application runs correctly with the new setup.

GitHub Actions Workflow

This cicd.yaml file defines the CI/CD pipeline for the DevOps Test App using GitHub Actions. The pipeline automates the processes of building, testing, and deploying the application to Amazon ECS.

Workflow Overview

The workflow is triggered on the following events:

  • Push to the main branch
  • Pull request to the main branch


The workflow requires the following permissions:

  • id-token: write
  • contents: read

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used in the workflow:

  • AWS_REGION: The AWS region where the resources are located.
  • ECR_REPOSITORY: The name of the ECR repository.
  • ECS_CLUSTER: The name of the ECS cluster.
  • ECS_SERVICE: The name of the ECS service.
  • ECS_TASK_DEFINITION: The path to the ECS task definition file.
  • ECS_CONTAINER_NAME: The name of the ECS container.

The following secrets are used in the workflow:

  • AWS_ROLE_ARN: The ARN of the AWS role to assume.
  • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: The AWS account ID.


CI: Build and Test

This job runs on ubuntu-latest and performs the following steps:

  1. Checkout Code:
    • Uses the actions/checkout@v4 action to check out the code from the repository.
  2. Set up Python:
    • Uses the actions/setup-python@v4 action to set up Python 3.12.5.
  3. Install Poetry:
    • Installs Poetry using the official installation script.
    • Adds Poetry to the GitHub Actions PATH.
  4. Install Dependencies:
    • Configures Poetry to not create virtual environments.
    • Locks dependencies and installs them.
  5. Run Tests:
    • Runs the tests using pytest.

CD: Build Docker Image and Deploy to ECS

This job depends on the ci job and runs on ubuntu-latest. It performs the following steps:

  1. Checkout Code:
    • Uses the actions/checkout@v4 action to check out the code from the repository.
  2. Create .env file:
    • Creates a .env file and populates it with necessary environment variables.
  3. Replace placeholders in task definition:
    • Replace the placeholders in the task definition by substituting {{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}} and {{AWS_REGION}} with the corresponding values stored in GitHub Secrets.
  4. Validate Task Definition:
    • Validates the ECS task definition file using jq.
  5. Configure AWS Credentials:
    • Uses the aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4 action to configure AWS credentials.
  6. Login to Amazon ECR:
    • Uses the aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v2 action to log in to Amazon ECR.
  7. Set up Docker Buildx:
    • Uses the docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 action to set up Docker Buildx.
  8. Build Docker Image:
    • Uses the docker/build-push-action@v5 action to build and push the Docker image to Amazon ECR.
  9. Render Amazon ECS Task Definition:
    • Uses the aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@v1 action to render the ECS task definition.
  10. Deploy to Amazon ECS Service:
    • Uses the aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v2 action to deploy the task definition to the ECS service.

Task Definition

The ECS task definition is located at .aws/task-definition.json. It defines the following:

  • Family: The name of the task definition family.
  • Task Role ARN: The ARN of the IAM role that the task can assume.
  • Execution Role ARN: The ARN of the IAM role that grants the ECS agent permission to pull images and publish logs.
  • Network Mode: The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
  • Requires Compatibilities: Specifies that the task requires Fargate compatibility.
  • CPU and Memory: The amount of CPU and memory used by the task.
  • Container Definitions: Defines the containers in the task, including:
    • Name: The name of the container.
    • Image: The Docker image to use for the container.
    • CPU and Memory: The amount of CPU and memory allocated to the container.
    • Port Mappings: The port mappings for the container.
    • Essential: Specifies whether the container is essential.
    • Log Configuration: The log configuration for the container, using AWS CloudWatch Logs.


To use this CI/CD pipeline, ensure that the necessary environment variables are set in the GitHub repository settings. The pipeline will automatically run on push and pull request events to the main branch.


Refer to this link for more details about the infrastructure: https://github.com/rhinozD/sample-terraform


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