
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

YouTube DOracle

DOracle based on iExec providing YouTube API data on-chain.

Particularly, use the YouTube API to retrieve a video description using its ID. Then, check if the description contains the input string, e.g. a content hash.

Following guidelines for confidential computing at: https://docs.iex.ec/for-developers/confidential-computing

Getting Started

iExec quick start (https://docs.iex.ec/for-developers/quick-start-for-developers):

iexec wallet create
iexec init --skip-wallet
iexec wallet show --chain bellecour
iexec storage init --chain bellecour

Build Trusted Application

Initialize trusted application using TEE:

iexec app init --tee

Implement the application following the instructions at: https://docs.iex.ec/for-developers/confidential-computing/create-your-first-sgx-app

Build the TEE docker image using the sconify.sh template adapted to your case:

docker login registry.scontain.com:5050

The image build output includes the result of generating the fingerprint that allows the verification of the application, called the mrenclave. It should be copied to iexec.json and looks like:

"mrenclave": "0e938832816e0da3e27a43670316a1b9333cd34112f13dca1546e62608701a37"

The image can be now pushed to Docker hub:

docker push rogargon/yt-oracle:tee-debug

NOTE: the digest of the image after pushing should be used as the app.checkshum value in iexec.json. It can be also computed using the command:

docker pull rogargon/yt-oracle:tee-debug | grep "Digest: sha256:" | sed 's/.*sha256:/0x/'

The app configuration in iexec.json will look like:

  "app": {
    "owner": "0xA5F57BDe93496562D63f5ad10a639237ecD48B31",
    "name": "yt-oracle",
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "multiaddr": "docker.io/rogargon/yt-oracle:tee-debug",
    "checksum": "0xc7bbef0dcaadc526a96c7d76b7df49c5f600466f27faa3911727539142da393e",
    "mrenclave": {
      "framework": "SCONE",
      "version": "v5",
      "entrypoint": "node /app/index.js",
      "heapSize": 1073741824,
      "fingerprint": "0e938832816e0da3e27a43670316a1b9333cd34112f13dca1546e62608701a37"

To test locally, using the non-TEE version of the image:

docker run --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/iexec_out:/iexec_out \
    -e IEXEC_IN=/iexec_in \
    -e IEXEC_OUT=/iexec_out \
    rogargon/yt-oracle:temp-non-tee ZwVNLDIJKVA QmPP8X2rWc2uanbnKpxfzEAAuHPuThQRtxpoY8CYVJxDj8

Finally, deploy application:

iexec app deploy --chain bellecour

Push an application developer secret to the SMS

Push the secret API key to the SMS, which will be accessible as IEXEC_APP_DEVELOPER_SECRET environment variable:

iexec app push-secret --chain bellecour

The existence of the secret can be checked using:

iexec app check-secret --chain bellecour

Run Application

Before running the application, initialize the storage:

iexec storage init --chain bellecour --tee-framework scone

To run the application, and send the results to the smart contract address specified by the callback parameter, use the following command:

iexec app run 0xe5F19dbf1eeE610E03277797925B22a3855d7448 --tag tee,scone \
  --workerpool debug-v8-bellecour.main.pools.iexec.eth --watch \
  --args "ZwVNLDIJKVA QmPP8X2rWc2uanbnKpxfzEAAuHPuThQRtxpoY8CYVJxDj8" \
  --callback 0x36dA71ccAd7A67053f0a4d9D5f55b725C9A25A3E \
  --chain bellecour

The task execution log can be accesses using the command:

iexec task debug 0x75e60721f4a11af35ca390867e7847c852b5d4036ba48cffda89b3f5571f02a0 --logs

Finally, you can inspect the resulting deal and task using the following commands:

iexec deal show 0xe52499f478c91af50ba6834675998461f0290a0ca1cc58f82daad400d535cb51
iexec task show 0x75e60721f4a11af35ca390867e7847c852b5d4036ba48cffda89b3f5571f02a0

The output for the task includes the resultsCallback field with the ABI encoding of the output, for instance:

resultsCallback:      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

If the output is ABI decoded, for instance using https://adibas03.github.io/online-ethereum-abi-encoder-decoder/#/decode and providing as Argument Types the input string,string,bool, the output should be:
