ABSTRACT:- In this project, I have tried to build an Student result management website, which can simulate all the basic controls that an actual required of store result website has. I have used eclipse oxygen 3 , java 1.8, tomcat 9.0 and MySQL 5.7.31 INTRODUCTION:- An individual report card of each student has to be displayed and printed at a keystrokeaccording to any selected format. An important aid for teachers and students to judge their performance. FUNCTIONALITIES:- 1.The admin should login into the system with unique her/his username and password. 2.If the user name and password are valid then admin can gain access to the system. 3.Admin can Add New Student. 4.Admin can enter Marks of the registered Students. 5.Admin can see all registered students. 6.Admin can see all registered students result at same time. 4.Student views Results by entering their Roll number. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS :- Operating System - Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris User Interface - HTML, CSS Web Applications IDE/Workbench - Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP,Eclipse Database - MySQL Server Deployement - Apache Tomcat HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS :- Processor - Pentium IV Hard Disk - 40GB or More RAM - 256MB or More TECHNOLOGIES USED:- ➢ HTML ➢ CSS ➢ JSP ➢ JDBC ➢ MySQL ➢ Eclipse(IDE) CONCLUSION:- From a proper analysis of positive points and constraints on the component, it can be safelyconcluded that the product is a highly efficient GUI based component. This application isworking properly and meeting to all user requirements. This component can be easily plugged in many other systems. Developed By Rahul Patidar. NIT Raipur Student.