
Release History

This git repository will have the following branches as follows:

  • master: This github will only contain demos for the use of the official Red Hat roles and new SAP roles. All roles have been transfered to other repositories and are available on Ansible Galaxy.
  • The corresponding source repositories are here
  • master, tag: v1.0.1 : fully tested, but old release.
  • stable: fully tested releases incl. documentation, can do scale-up only

latest changes

  • 03-Mar-19: added playbooks for use with VMware Vcenter
  • 27-Apr-18: removed all local roles and moved to ansible galaxy (
  • 06-Mar-18: removed disk-partining and base-role-setup
  • 06-Mar-18: created release tag v1.0.1 before restructuring the repository
  • 24-Nov-17: base-host-setup role is deprecated. This setup will move to my project ansible-generic-roles and more of it to rhel-system-roles/linux-system-roles project

Possible deployment options

hana scale-up

  • one instance
  • multi instance installation (not multi-container)
  • hana scale-up system-replication (one and multiinstance)

hana scale-out

  • one instance
  • multi instance installation (not multi-container)
  • hana scale-out system-replication (one and multiinstance)

This playbook can be used with Command Line (ansible-playbook), Ansible Tower and CloudForms 4.5 and later

Follow the documentation on to setup your ansible environment or ansible-tower server. Follow the instructions on for CloudForms

Use with Tower

There is a playbook designed for use with tower. It calls the roles "precofigure, deployment, hsr" In tower project setup chose "hana_tower.yml" as a playbook

Getting started

In order to use this playbook, you need a brand new RHEL6.x (x<=7) or RHEL 7.x (x<=2) installation.

You can download these examples by the following command:

$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /root/ansible-hana-sysprep/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 181, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 181 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 163
Receiving objects: 100% (181/181), 146.76 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (64/64), done.

### Variable Configuration

Follow the instructions in the according ReadMEs at linux-system-roles and mk-ansible-roles in Galaxy or github.

## Running the Playbook from commandline

Here is a short Howto on running this playbook from commandline

1. Configure your inventory with your servers (default: `/etc/ansible/hosts`), e.g.

   [hana-servers] ansible_user=ansible-remote

  `ansible_user` defines a specific username to use for the ssh connection

2. Make sure your ansible connection to the target host is working
   $ ansible -m setup [-k connection_user password ] [-K root password] -l hana-servers | SUCCESS => {
   "ansible_facts": {
       "changed": false
See `man ansible` for password options. You could also use ssh-keys and sudo without password

3. If your connection works you can kick-off the playbook
$ ansible-playbook -vvv  -b -e @examples/var.yaml -l hana-servers hana_sysprep.yml

  -vvv enables debugging output
  -b : switches execution to root
  -e @examples/var.yaml points to the file with the defined variables
  -l hana-servers limits the execution to hana-servers as defined in /etc/ansible/hosts or a particular hostname
  hana_sysprep.yml: Playbook that defines the actual role