
Ansible playbook and a couple of associated roles to create a (rather insecure) Cassandra cluster in AWS. Please don't use this for anything important... (yet, anyway)

Ansible: Cassandra Cluster Provisioning


This repository contains a simple Ansible playbook, which provisions a single-datacentre, single-region cluster of Cassandra nodes in AWS.

The playbook is capable of handling:

  • Provisioning of a VPC security group
    • In the future, support for provisioning a full VPC and VPN gateway could significantly enhance the usefulness of this playbook.
  • Provisioning, up- and down-scaling of a cluster of EC2 instances (associated with the generated security group)
    • Use number_instances to set the number (N) of EC2 instances to be created.
    • Use number_seeds to set number of seed nodes.
    • Use ec2_instance_type to set the AWS instance type. Defaults to t2.micro (free-tier).
    • Use ami_id to specify the API to base the EC2 instances off. This must be a RHEL7.x-based distro at this time.
    • To deprovision the entire cluster, simply set number_instances to 0.
  • Installation and configuration of Cassandra:
    • Configuration of an N-node cluster, with K seed nodes (as previously mentioned).



All plays will require the local machine (running the playbook) to meet the following requirements:

  • boto
  • boto3
  • python >= 2.6


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/richardhofman6/ansible-cassandra-cluster.git
  2. Set desired configuration options in site.yml.
  3. Set or determine values for environmental variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY.
  4. Run: AWS_ACCESS_KEY=X AWS_SECRET_KEY=Y ansible site.yml